FierceGovernmentIT FOIAs OMB TechStat Meeting Info, Part II

David Perera | Fierce Government IT | May 30, 2011

Little information comes out from the Office of Management and Budget that isn't stage managed or carefully fed to media outlets that don't follow the workings of federal information technology closely, and so tend to ask softball questions. (Sample from a New York Times interview with Federal Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra: "Are you the White House geek?")

The irony of this being the case during an administration that prides itself on being open and transparent is so obvious that it need not be further elaborated. But, it does leave members of the federal government trade press in a quandary. Either we can accept the lack of access as a quirk of the current administration, or we can try to do something about it. FierceGovernmentIT choses to do something about it.

And so, we're presenting the results of our second round of Freedom of Information Act requests about OMB TechStat meetings.