Meaningful Use Stage 2 has a requirement that I’ve always considered to be the “cart before the horse” - patients must be able to View/Download/Transmit their data. Viewing is great - we’ve done that at BIDMC since 1999 for all patients and all data. Download makes little sense since at the moment there is nothing a patient can do with a download. Of the 2 million patients at BIDMC, not one has ever requested a download. Transmit makes even less sense since there is no place to transmit the data to...
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC)
See the following -
When the Healthcare System Works
As I’ve written about several times in the past, this “care traffic control”, directing the patient to right intensity of care, then closing the loop for followup care is the future of medicine. It’s high quality, lower cost, and improves outcomes. The IT systems required to do it are more about workflow and process than the simple capture of records. As we envision the next generation of electronic tools, support for team based care with handoff management and closed loop communication among the stakeholders will be the most important new features. Read More »
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Why Apple HealthKit in iOS 10 Makes View/Download/Transmit Real
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Wikipedia and Facebook for Clinical Documentation
Over the past several years I’ve written about the inadequate state of clinical documentation, which is largely unchanged since the days of Osler, (except for a bit more structure introduced by Larry Weed in the 1970s) and was created for billing/legal purposes not for care coordination...In recent lectures, I’ve called on the country to adopt Wikipedia and Facebook for clinical documentation...
You know Meaningful Use is Real When...
My 83 year old father-in-law returned from a recent outpatient visit to his primary care provider with two customized handouts - a transition of care summary detailing problems/meds/allergies and an opt-in consent for the exchange of that care summary over the state Healthcare Information Exchange, the MassHIWay... Read More »
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2019 International Conference On Disaster Medicine & Hurricane Resiliency
The devastation wrought by powerful hurricanes over the last two years attests to the need to prepare healthcare professionals for emerging crises associated with natural disasters. The International Conference on Disaster Medicine & Hurricane Resiliency brings together physicians, nurses, educators, and other professionals focused on patient care to explore disaster medicine in the context of hurricanes and other severe weather events. Through workshops, plenaries, and panel discussions, attendees will gain essential emergency planning and preparation skills to better understand the role of disaster medicine in effective healthcare management.
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2020 International Conference on Disaster Medicine and Hurricane Resiliency
The 2nd Annual CCDM International Conference on Disaster Medicine and Hurricane Resiliency will gather professionals and experts from around the world to share insights and expertise on preparing for and managing disasters, building disaster management capacity, and educating and training in the health professions. We are once again excited to collaborate on this event with Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and our regional partners in Sint Maarten and the Caribbean.
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