big data

See the following -

How Big Data Is Destroying The U.S. Healthcare System

Robert X. Cringely | I, Cringely | October 26, 2013

One thing I find ironic in the current controversy over problems with the insurance sign-up web site is that the people complaining don’t really mean what they are saying. Not only do they have have little to no context for their arguments, they don’t even want the improvements they are demanding. [...] Read More »

How Big Data Is Taking On Breast Cancer — And Big Biotech

Ki Mae Heussner | GigaOM | July 30, 2013

Now that the Supreme Court has decided that human genes can’t be patented, a group of researchers is using high-tech data science to better understand the genetic mutations associated with breast cancer. Read More »

How Can Information and Communications Tech Help in Disaster Preparedness and Response?

Renu Mehta | Devdiscourse | July 15, 2019

n the immediate aftermath of disasters, timely and effective information is critical for the decision-making process. ​​​​​Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a significant role in mitigation, preparedness, response, and rehabilitation by facilitating the flow of vital information in a timely manner. To deliver and deploy telecommunications / information and communication resources (transportable, easy to deploy and reliable systems that are non-exclusive) in a timely manner in the event of disasters, the ITU has designed the ITU Framework for Cooperation in Emergencies (IFCE). Innovative technologies such as robotics, drone technology, GIS, and emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and Big Data are transforming the complex process of disaster management.

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How Disney Built A Big Data Platform On A Startup Budget

Derrick Harris | GigaOM | September 16, 2012

The big data world is full of small, scrappy startups using their ingenuity to build complex systems out of open source software, but the Walt Disney Company is not one of them. Here’s what goes into building a big data platform in a Fortune 100 company. Read More »

How Fledgling Start-Ups Can Benefit from Accelerator Programmes

Giovanni Rizzo | Medical Plastics News | July 7, 2017

Start-ups in the life science sector are a source of invaluable innovation, entrepreneurial spirit and ultimately, important developments that could improve patient health. It is through new ideas that the sector can face current and future challenges, such as an ageing population, the need to invest in new-generation, digitalised technology, and a rise in patient demand of service and value for money. But data shows that 90% of all start-ups fail within the first year, a worrying statistic considering the wealth of advantages that innovation can bring to the life sciences industry...

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How High Tech Is Helping Bring Clean Water To India

Todd Woody | Yale Environment 360 | September 5, 2013

Anand Shah runs a company that is using solar-powered “water ATMs” to bring clean water to remote villages in India. In an e360 interview, Shah talks about how his company is using a high-tech approach to address one of India’s most intractable public health issues. Read More »

How IBM’s STEM Uses Big Data To Help Fight Infectious Diseases

Dean Takahashi | MedCity News | September 30, 2013

IBM has teamed up with university researchers to use big data and analytics to predict the outbreak of deadly diseases such as Dengue fever and Malaria. Read More »

How Mobile Became Mighty In Healthcare

Chris Duffey and Katie Erbs | The Guardian | June 9, 2014

Ten powerful trends emerging in mobile health for patients, professionals and providers...

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How NASA Is Harnessing Big Data From Mars Missions To Satellites

Jason Hiner | ZDNet | November 10, 2012

NASA's Nicholas Skytland explains how NASA had to build its own big data capabilities and how it's dealing with the enormous data sets from space missions.
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How Online Shopping Makes Suckers of Us All

Jerry Useem | The Atlantic | May 1, 2017

Will you pay more for those shoes before 7 p.m.? Would the price tag be different if you lived in the suburbs? Standard prices and simple discounts are giving way to far more exotic strategies, designed to extract every last dollar from the consumer.  As Christmas approached in 2015, the price of pumpkin-pie spice went wild. It didn’t soar, as an economics textbook might suggest. Nor did it crash. It just started vibrating between two quantum states. Amazon’s price for a one-ounce jar was either $4.49 or $8.99, depending on when you looked. Nearly a year later, as Thanksgiving 2016 approached, the price again began whipsawing between two different points, this time $3.36 and $4.69...

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How Open Source Can Change the Face of Healthcare

James Nunns | Computer Business Review | October 31, 2016

The significant advances being made in technology over the past decade have introduced world changing solutions that are revolutionising how businesses operate. However, it is not only business which is reaping the benefits of technologies in the fields of cloud, big data, the IoT, artificial intelligence and others, areas such as healthcare are also being boosted. Numerous companies such as IBM, Google, Microsoft and more have all invested significantly in the area and have made great strides in placing their technologies in this field...

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How Open Source Is Changing the Pace of Software Development new computing architectures and approaches rapidly evolve for cloud computing, for big data, for the Internet of Things (IoT), it's also becoming evident that the open source development model is extremely powerful because of the manner in which it allows innovations from multiple sources to be recombined and remixed in powerful ways. Consider the following examples...

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How Open-Source Software is Flexing its Power

Chris Latterell | Sand Hill | March 12, 2013

Is there a connection between open-source and delivering value in the “connected economy?” Definitely, says Chris Latterell, VP of marketing at software engineering company Open-Xchange. Like his company’s flagship product, OX App Suite, open source is people centric and responsive. In this interview he discusses game-changing open-source trends. Read More »

How Physicians Are Driving Data Analytics Advances In Health Care

Don Tennant | IT Business Edge | November 19, 2014

You’d think physicians would have enough to worry about, with all that medical stuff they have to deal with. But it seems that in addition to the stethoscope draped around their necks, a lot of them are wearing a data analytics hat...

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How SAP Embraced R.

Ajay Ohri | Jigsaw Academy | April 17, 2012

SAP has joined the list of big companies embracing the R language. SAP has committed it’s latest products including the in-memory device HANA and the newly launched Business Objects Predictive Analytics  to be tightly integrated with the algorithms and statistical libraries available in R... Read More »