Micky Tripathi
See the following -
Moving ahead on Information Sharing
The ONC Cures Act Final Rule went into effect on April 5, 2021 and as a result we have seen an increase in both the quantity and complexity of questions regarding the regulations. We’re eager to help the industry successfully implement these new requirements...To that end, we offer a variety of resources and channels to address industry questions. These include ongoing public meetings, meetings with stakeholders, and online materials – including videos, fact sheets, and FAQs. However, to adjust to the growing need for information, and to respond to feedback that we could be more forthcoming and clearer in our responses to questions, we are launching a number of additional channels for education and communication...
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Navigating between Heavy-weight and Light-weight Standardization
Andy Oram
FHIR is large and far-reaching but deliberately open-ended. Many details are expected tovary from country to country and industry to industry, and thus are left up to extensions that various players will design later. It is precisely in the extensions that the risk lurks of reproducing the Tower of Babel that exists in other health care standards. The reason the industry have good hopes for success this time is the unusual way in which the Argonaut project was limited in both time and scope. It was not supposed to cover the entire health field, as standards such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) try to do. It would instead harmonize the 90% of cases seen most often in the US. For instance, instead of specifying a standard of 10,000 codes, it might pick out the 500 that the doctor is most likely to see.
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Number of Public HIEs Drop, Bringing Viability into Question
Despite federal funding that aided their creation, the number of community and state health information exchanges is declining as HIEs struggle to remain financially viable now that seed money has dried up. Those are among the results of a new national survey published in the July issue of Health Affairs that tracked community and state HIE efforts soon after federal funding ended. “We found 106 operational HIE efforts that, as a group, engaged more than one-third of all U.S. providers in 2014,” states the study’s authors...
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ONC Timeline for TEFCA Going Live in 2022
Today we are pleased to announce the timeline for the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA). The 21st Century Cures Act, signed by President Obama in 2016, calls on ONC to "develop or support a trusted exchange framework, including a common agreement among health information networks nationally."... The timeline released today-for completion of the Trusted Exchange Framework, the Common Agreement Version 1 and the Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) Technical Framework (QTF) Version 1-establishes our goal to have this new network open for participation in the first quarter (Q1) of calendar year 2022.
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Stakeholders Look to Improve C-CDA as FHIR Matures
As the healthcare industry continues to wrestle with interoperability challenges, two standards are poised to play a central role in facilitating the electronic exchange of health information—one is a blunt tool for data sharing, while the other is a surgical instrument. First adopted in 2012 as part of the Office of National Coordinator for Health IT’s 2014 Edition final rule, the Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture (C-CDA) version 1.1—developed through the joint efforts of ONC and Health Level Seven (HL7) International—is now widely used among healthcare providers...
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Standards Alone are not the Answer for Interoperability
Today I have the honor of presenting a guest blog by David McCallie MD, SVP Medical Informatics, Cerner. He summarizes the collective feeling of the industry about the trajectory of interoperability..."I have been honored to have served on the HIT Standards Committee from its beginning in 2009. As I reach my term limits, I have reflected on what we have all learned over the past six years of helping to define the standards for the certified EHR technology that lies behind the Meaningful Use program...
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Task force summarizes barriers, mulls recommendations to improve EHR data sharing
Patient care coordination is the "key driver" to data sharing, but there are challenges to accomplishing that goal, according to the Health IT Policy Committee's task force on clinical, technical, organizational and financial barriers to interoperability. In its Aug. 25 meeting, the task force summarized information from hearings held earlier in the month regarding obstacles to electronic health record interoperability. Some of the major barriers to interoperability include the cost to interface, the lack of standards, the lack of infrastructure and platforms for interoperability, and the lack of a forum to pull together stakeholders.
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The HITECH Era – A Patient-Centered Perspective
We appreciate the recent perspectives published in the New England Journal of Medicine on the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009 and the positive impact that it and resulting health IT policies have had on U.S. health care.1,2 The perspectives highlighted the remarkable increase in adoption and use of electronic health records (EHRs) over the past eight years, thanks to the HITECH Act and to ONC’s and CMS’s implementation of it with major advice and help from the multi-stakeholder HIT Policy and Standards committees...
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True Interoperability: Public API’s Provide the Open Platform Health IT Requires
Do we finally have the spark? Interoperability is the current health IT buzzword because it’s the essential ingredient in creating a system that benefits patients, doctors and hospitals. Almost everyone in healthcare is pressing for it and is frustrated, though probably not surprised, that Meaningful Use did not get us there. Read More »
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With Apple consulting Argonaut Project on health records, interoperability could get the push it needs
Apple is said to be working with the Argonaut Project to integrate more electronic health data with the iPhone, a move experts say could go a long way towards advancing medical record interoperability. Participants in the Argonaut Project – an HL7-led initiative focused on expanding the use of open standards for health data exchange, notably HL7's FHIR specification – are some of the industry’s most notable vendors and providers: Accenture, athenahealth, Cerner, Epic, McKesson, Meditech, Surescripts, The Advisory Board Company, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Intermountain Healthcare, Mayo Clinic, Partners HealthCare...
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Connecting California to Improve Patient Care in 2015
Connecting California to Improve Patient Care is an annual conference featuring presentations on electronic health records (EHR) and on the use of national technology standards to establish interoperability for electronic patient healthcare data. Conference presenters will explain practical solutions for securely sharing electronic clinical information between computer systems at unaffiliated health care facilities, such as outpatient practices, hospitals, laboratories, imaging centers, long term care, home health, public health, payers, patient engagement portals and mobile apps. Conference attendees will learn about best practices in health informatics. Speakers will discuss the current status of health information technology in California, national software road maps for data standards, interoperability, patient safety, and emerging tools and opportunities for physician and patient engagement. Read More »
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Value-Based Care Summit
At the Value-Based Care Summit, attendees will benefit from hearing leaders in the field of value-based care describe the landscape of value-based care, share best practices, and disclose actionable information for those working in the healthcare field. The Value-Based Care Summit offers an opportunity to network with executives from top physician practices and hospitals and to gain insight into value-based care through sessions with speakers such as Dr. Steven Strongwater of Atrius Health, Dr. Thomas Scornavacca of UMass Memorial Population Health, Betsy Hamptom of Population Health Reliant Medical Group, and Micky Tripathi of Massachusetts eHealth Collaborative (MAeHC)...
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2018 Health Datapalooza
The gathering place for people and organizations creating knowledge from data and pioneering innovations that drive health policy and practice. Health Datapalooza sits at the nexus of ideas, evidence, and execution. Where Federal policymakers and regulatory leads take their seats beside Silicon Valley startups and the health system’s chief information officers. More than a meeting, Health Datapalooza is a diverse community of big thinkers and roll-up-our-sleeves-and-get-it-done problem solvers who share a mission to liberate and use data to improve health and health care.
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The Platform Revolution Comes to Healthcare: A Deep Dive at the 2022 MIT Platform Strategy Summit
The MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy is excited to announce the innagural 1/2 day event leading into the 10th Annual MIT Platform Strategy Summit the following day, on July 14.* Through several feature keynotes and panel sessions involving industry experts, this event designed to explore how digital health platforms are key enablers of transformation in healthcare. For example, healthcare platforms have the potential to:
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