HRH Global Resource Center Joins New Partnership to Expand Health Workforce Knowledge

Press Release | HRH Global Resource Center, CapacityPlus | July 13, 2011

The HRH Global Resource Center has signed a formal partnership agreement with the University of New South Wales’ HRH Knowledge Hub. The intent of this partnership is to work collaboratively to share information and resources and to provide access to valuable human resource for health (HRH) materials without duplicating efforts.

The HRH Global Resource Center is CapacityPlus’s digital library of human resources for health information. It currently has over 2,700 resources. Every month, nearly 48,000 users on average access the website.

Based in the School of Public Health of the University of New South Wales, the HRH Knowledge Hub is one of four Hubs established by AusAID in 2008 as part of the Australian Government’s commitment to meeting the Millennium Development Goals and improving health in the Asia-Pacific region. Some of the key research areas for the Hub include leadership and management, maternal health workers, migration, and public health emergencies workforce.