American hospitals

See the following -

American Hospitals Are Vastly Unprepared for Ebola Patients, Reveals Black Book™ Survey of Emergency Physicians, Nurses and Infection Control Practitioners

Press Release | Black Book Rankings | August 27, 2014

A Black Book survey of nearly 1,000 hospital executives and clinical leaders probed emergency preparedness and infectious disaster resource capabilities including technology and services. The resulting responses uncovered ten common yet precarious situations that collectively restrict nearly all U.S. hospitals regardless of size or location to efficaciously diagnose, isolate and treat even a single Ebola patient while protecting its workforce and other patients. Read More »

Three Ways To Improve U.S. Healthcare, As Demonstrated In India

John Mandrola | The Atlantic | December 10, 2013

Listening to caregivers from other countries, it's easy to feel exasperated about U.S healthcare. American hospitals are filled with good people trying to do good work, but at every turn the system of misplaced incentives gets in the way of good patient care...

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Viral Intelligence

Mark Sircus | | October 8, 2014

The CDC thinks that American hospitals are prepared to handle Ebola. RNs beg to differ...

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