Antibiotic-free meat
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Antibiotic-free meat shows up on more hospital menus
Overlake is one of more than 500 U.S. hospitals, mostly on the West Coast and in the Northeast, working with Healthy Food in Health Care, an initiative of the national not-for-profit Health Care Without Harm. Read More »
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More Hospitals Are Ditching Antibiotics In The Meat They Serve
Concern about the livestock industry's overuse of antibiotics has led a number of health care institutions to start choosing meat from animals raised without antibiotics whenever they can. According to Practice Greenhealth, a nonprofit that's helping the health care industry on this issue, more than 400 U.S. hospitals are working toward a goal of making 20 percent of their meat purchases "antibiotic-free." And around a dozen hospitals have already switched the majority of their chicken purchases to "antibiotic-free." And around a dozen hospitals have already switched the majority of their chicken purchases to antibiotic-free.
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