As we move from fee for service to alternative payment models/value-based purchasing we will increasingly measure our progress based on outcomes and total medical expense. HealthKit was an enabler that led Beth Israel Deaconess to create BIDMC@Home, an iPhone and iPad app that uploads internet of things (blood pressure cuff, glucometer, scale, activity, sleep data etc.) to our electronic health record. CareKit, announced by Apple this week, takes us one step further on our wellness-focused journey.
Care Card
See the following -
Apple’s CareKit Is the Best Argument Yet for Strong Encryption
Brian Barrett | Wired | March 21, 2016
On the eve of his company’s court date with the FBI, where it will defend its right to not weaken the security of its own devices, Apple CEO Tim Cook took the stage at a small theater in Cupertino to introduce a few new devices. The message of the event’s opening, though? Encryption matters. And soon, on iOS, it will matter even more. While Cook’s remarks were brief, they were determined. “We need to decide as a nation how much power the government should have over our data, and over our privacy,” Cook said before a mixed crowd of journalists and Apple employees.
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CareKit as an Enabler for Patient Generated Healthcare Data
By John D. Halamka, MD | March 24, 2016
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