See the following -
EHR Incentives Likely to Improve Quality
Healthcare is one of the last industries in the United States to universally incorporate technological advancements. While most sectors have made significant investments in information technology to improve efficiency and consumer relationships, America’s health care system is still largely paper-driven. As a result the healthcare system is plagued by inefficiency and poor quality. Read More »
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EHR Integration Transforming Health Care Tech
The integration of EHR (electronic health records) is helping to transform technology in the health care industry. A recent article from InformationWeek highlights a report from the West Health Institute that shows EHRs are changing the health sector.
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Epic Systems' Tough Billionaire
Judith Faulkner...has made a fistful. From her remote midwestern outpost, Faulkner, 68, has quietly built Epic, which sells electronic health records into a $1.2 billion (2011 revenues) business—double four years ago...Helping enrich Faulkner is also a piece of government legislation that subsidizes the adoption of electronic medical records, by paying millions to qualifying hospitals. Forbes estimates her net worth at $1.7 billion.
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Epic's EHR system to run on Linux
Epic Systems Corp., one of several dominant EHR vendors for large hospitals, recently authorized implementations of its EHR system on Intel x86 servers running open-source Linux, virtualized to VMware. Prior to that, Epic ran exclusively on AIX and UNIX servers.
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Health IT proves critical in natural disasters
Some of the most devastating tornadoes and floods in U.S. history have occurred in just the last two years. IT professionals who survived the storms say their technology held up well. They felt lucky to have paperless systems in place.
They recounted their experiences during a panel discussion at the HIMSS Summit of the Southeast Sept. 29 in Nashville, Tenn. Read More »
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HHS Consumer Health IT Summit Power-Charged for Progress
President Barack Obama proclaimed on Monday, in conjunction with the summit, that Sept. 11-16 would officially be federally recognized as National Health IT week going forward. Farzad Mostashari, MD, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, who moderated the summit, emphasized the new exciting times healthcare IT now faces. Read More »
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HL7 Readies Blue Button Conversion Tool
Health Level Seven, the Ann Arbor, Mich.-based standards development organization, announced that by April it will have a file conversion tool and user's guide to adapt its Continuity of Care Document message transport specification to the Blue Button format developed by the U.S. Veterans Affairs Department. Read More »
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ICT for Health to Close PACS Registration by 8th of March
ICT for Health announced earlier closure of registration on its 6th PACS seminar in the Middle East. Registration is open till the end of this week. Read More »
Is all the MU data “meaningful”?
We interrupt these dog days of summer for a bit of a doctors’ food fight. At issue is what this doctor refers to as the “meaningless data” required under the Meaningful Use regulations. Not bashful about throwing the first piece of pie, she begins by announcing that “Race is a medically meaningless concept.” Read More »
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Is the EHR Market Saturated?
“Hey, the EHR market is saturated, we don’t really think there is any play left there,” this comment came from a reputable venture capitalist (VC) in the healthcare industry. And I sat there wondering what it is that he is talking about. Every single day I am taking calls from doctors who want an EHR that suits them, and they are willing to pay for it.
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LiverTox - a new, free health information portal for citizens
A new web site was just launched by the U.S. government called LiverTox. This free site provides up-to-date, accurate, and easily accessed information on the diagnosis, cause, frequency, patterns, and management of liver injury attributable to prescription and nonprescription medications, herbals and dietary supplements. The U.S. government also operates,,,,, MedLine Plus, and many other free health information portals.
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Medsphere furthers commitment to OpenVista EHR product development: Welcomes Lily S. Chang as CTO
Silicon Valley technology veteran strengthens enterprise applications and code convergence for open source healthcare IT leader Read More »
Navigating between Heavy-weight and Light-weight Standardization
Andy Oram
FHIR is large and far-reaching but deliberately open-ended. Many details are expected tovary from country to country and industry to industry, and thus are left up to extensions that various players will design later. It is precisely in the extensions that the risk lurks of reproducing the Tower of Babel that exists in other health care standards. The reason the industry have good hopes for success this time is the unusual way in which the Argonaut project was limited in both time and scope. It was not supposed to cover the entire health field, as standards such as the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) try to do. It would instead harmonize the 90% of cases seen most often in the US. For instance, instead of specifying a standard of 10,000 codes, it might pick out the 500 that the doctor is most likely to see.
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Navigation Between Heavy-weight and Light-weight Standardization (Part 2)
The previous section of this article laid out the context for HL7 FHIR standard and the Argonaut project; now we can look at the current status.Tripathi portrays the Argonaut process as radically different from HL7 norms. HL7 hasestablished its leading role in health standards by following the rules of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in the US, and similar bodies set up in other countries where HL7 operates. These come from the pre-Internet era and emphasize ponderous, procedure-laden formalities. Meetings must be held, drafts circulated, comments explicitly reconciled, ballots taken. Historically this has ensured that large industries play fair and hear through all objections, but the process is slow and frustrates smaller actors who may have good ideas but lack the resources to participate.
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New ONC, Health 2.0 Developer Challenges Offer Cash Awards for Medical Apps
Conference organizer Health 2.0 and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have launched two new developer challenges for health care: "One in a Million Hearts" and "PopHealth Tools Development." Read More »
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