General Services Administration (GSA)
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HHS IDEA Lab Hosting Innovation Day in DC on May 15
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is holding an Innovation Day on Monday, May 15th at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building in Washington, D.C. The day will feature presentations from teams across HHS who are using open source, collaborative, and entrepreneurial methods like design thinking and lean startup to improve how their office or agency delivers on the HHS mission. The day will also feature a panel on deploying creative thinking to improve work in government, and innovative speakers from government and the private sector.
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HHS IDEA Lab to Host Innovation Day on May 15
Join us for HHS Innovation Day on May 15th at the Hubert H. Humphrey Building in Washington, D.C., where you’ll experience first-hand how new approaches and creative thinking can advance our work in government. You’ll hear from stellar employees at HHS who are using entrepreneurial methods like design thinking and lean startup to improve how their office or agency delivers on the HHS mission. The day will also feature a panel on deploying creative thinking to improve work in government, and innovative speakers from government and the private sector.
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Hitting The Ground Running With The Digital Strategy
Last month, the Obama Administration launched the Digital Government Strategy (PDF/ HTML5), a comprehensive roadmap aimed at building a 21st Century Digital Government that delivers better digital services to the American people. We’ve hit the ground running and are already hard at work driving the strategy forward. Read More »
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How Andrew Krzmarzick Uses Open Source To Empower Citizens In Government
As the Community Manager of GovLoop—a highly active online community connecting more than 50,000 public sector professionals, including Federal CTO Todd Park—Andrew Krzmarzick suspects his role is pretty similar to leading an open source project. The open source way guides the company's decisions, communications, and interactions. And open source solutions enable them to empower citizens around the country (and the world!) who don't want to wait for their cities to make updates to a page or build apps and resources that makes their lives easier. Read More »
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How The VA and UL Created an Orchestrated Approach to Healthcare Cybersecurity Assurance
In today's high-risk Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and cyber-warfare environment, one tool or individual line of cybersecurity solutions would likely not be able to satisfy the requirements for security and safety put forth by an HDO; hence, the aggregation of solutions branded as MedFusion was derived. The VA UL CRADA discovered that healthcare is strengthened in terms of security and safety of connectable medical devices through in-depth cybersecurity defense...Learning from the VA and UL cybersecurity research results, with respect to product-level management of vulnerabilities and threats to medical devices and their associated software algorithms, we can impact the quality of adoption of electronic health records and other data collection systems connected to the IoMT and consumers...
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Lawmakers Grill Federal CIO On Data Center Figures
Federal CIO Steven VanRoekel, speaking before a House subcommittee Thursday, defended the Office of Management and Budget's sudden acknowledgement that the number of federal data centers now totaled more than 7,000, more than twice the number that had been reported as recently as May. Read More »
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Marina Martin: Building A New Digital Service At VA
As chief technology officer at the Department of Veterans Affairs for the past year and a half, Marina Martin has been streamlining VA's disparate online customer relationships into a service that is focused on veterans...
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Microsoft Helping Government Embrace Open Source Programming
If we had to name one place where an open and trusted computing platform was most needed, it would be inside government. As part of that, the Obama administration last year signed an executive order requiring government information be open and machine readable...
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Mikey Dickerson: No Paper Pushing At US Digital Service
Mikey Dickerson has already bucked Washington convention with his rumpled shirts and notable lack of neckwear. Now, the head of the U.S. Digital Service, a newly formed White House office responsible for improving government technology projects, is putting the federal IT community on notice: Don’t expect any paper pushing from his office...
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Navy Blows Development Of Officer Candidate Medical Database
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center, which manages contracts for numerous other federal agencies, failed to develop a database for the Defense Department organization that conducts medical examinations for all military officer candidates and has run over its budget by $7 million, Nextgov has learned. Read More »
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New Program Will Help Agencies Manage Mobile Devices
Agencies looking for tools to securely manage their mobile devices and applications can now choose from among a slate of vendors screened by the General Services Administration, the agency said Thursday. Read More »
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New Program Will Help Agencies Manage Mobile Devices
Agencies looking for tools to securely manage their mobile devices and applications can now choose from among a slate of vendors screened by the General Services Administration, the agency said Thursday. Read More »
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OMB Turns To The People-Solution To Fix Troubled IT Programs
...Steve VanRoekel, the federal chief information officer, detailed two specific initiatives under the agenda's smarter IT delivery area to address the technical expertise of federal employees. One is around flexible hiring, and a second is trying another employee exchange program...
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Open Government Leaders Support Funding for Key Transparency Initiatives
OMB Watch and the Sunlight Foundation today [November 16, 2011] released an open letter to the U.S. Senate supporting continued funding for the Electronic Government Fund's important transparency projects. The letter echoes the Obama administration's policy statement issued Nov. 10. Read More »
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President’s Budget Moves Spending Transparency Site From GSA To Treasury
President Obama’s fiscal 2014 budget proposal moves control over the spending transparency website out of the General Services Administration and gives it to the Treasury Department. Read More »
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