I worked in the health insurance industry for a long time. I helped introduce consumer-driven/high deductible plans to help foster cost-awareness. I bought into the protection-against-big-expenses meme. I personally have never not had health insurance. So, by most standards, I should be biased in its favor. But I'm beginning to wonder if health insurance itself is the problem, or at least a big part of the problem. I've written before about some of the new entrants into health insurance; more power to them, and the more the merrier. What I continue to be disappointed by is that we're not really seeing fundamentally new approaches to what health insurance is.
Medicare spending
See the following -
Is Health Insurance Itself the Problem with the System?
By Kim Bellard | January 6, 2016
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ONC Unveils Rules For Medicare Data Visualization Challenge
Kyle Murphy | EHR Intelligence | April 11, 2014
Just as the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) was releasing Medicare provider utilization and payment data to the public, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) was looking for ways to make these data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) meaningful to consumers.
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