Microsoft Office
See the following -
5 Free Open Source Alternatives To Microsoft Office
While Microsoft Office is the industry standard in terms of , integrated applications for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, database management, email and desktop publishing. However, it's important for small business owners to know that these types of office applications are also available in free and open source office productivity applications. Read More »
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7 Myths About Open Sourcing Your Company's Software - The Real Story

Many companies benefit from open source, and countless companies have opted to open source components of their infrastructure (or even their bread and butter) in an effort to give back. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what happens when you open up your business' code and workflows to the public, and as companies delve into how to apply open principles within their organization, it's easy to get lost in the weeds. Here are some common misconceptions about what happens when you open source your code...
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A Breakdown Of FOSS For Students And Researchers In Academia
This article provides an overview of free and open source software (FOSS) that may be of use to students and researchers in academia, based on my own experience in psychology studies. I use Ubuntu Linux, which is a FOSS operating system, but the software discussed in this article is multi-platform; in other words, it will also run on Apple Mac OSX or Microsoft Windows. There is so much FOSS available that this article only scratches the surface, but hopefully it will give some initial pointers to readers with an academic background but no previous experience of FOSS...
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AMIA’s Doug Fridsma: Time for the Feds to Truly Open Up Patient Records to Fully Interoperable Data Use
Access to information and the ability to integrate and use information has changed how individuals book travel, find information about prices and products, and compare and review services. Information can empower individuals, but health care has lagged behind other fields. It is unconscionable that in 2016 most patients are unable to obtain their entire medical record unless they print it out. While progress has been made in the last several years to support patients’ access to their information through various electronic means, such as Blue Button and patient portals, this is not sufficient to make patients first-order participants in their care, their health and their research efforts...
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Disturbing new Microsoft Office strategy
According to Computerworld, Microsoft just confirmed that a retail copy of Office 2013 is permanently tied to the first PC on which it's installed, preventing customers from deleting the suite from one machine they own and installing it on another. Read More »
Ebola, EHRs, And The Blame Game
It’s time to think carefully and look at the large systems (human and technical), institutions, and individuals that contributed to Mr. Duncan’s death. Systems should be designed to protect people and prevent human errors...
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Hackers Conceal Spyware In Industrial Software Firm's Site To Probe Visitors
Unlike most so-called drive-by attacks on websites, which infect visitors’ computers with malware, a strike on a software provider’s website involved a tool that takes detailed notes about visitors’ machines, Computerworld reports...
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LibreOffice 4: A New, Better Open-Source Office Suite
Some people love Microsoft Office, which just jumped to Office 2013; some like cloud-based office programs such as Google Docs and Office 365; but me, I'm still partial to LibreOffice, the popular open-source office suite. And, at first glance, the latest version, 4.0, looks better than ever. Read More »
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Microsoft Is Now Irrelevant To Computing, And They Want You To Know It
With two major cave-ins in the past few weeks, Microsoft is screaming at the top of its lungs about how irrelevant it is. If you didn’t understand the fall of Microsoft from powerful monopolist to computing afterthought, let SemiAccurate explain it to you...
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Microsoft Office 2013 raises its prices despite major open source alternatives
Microsoft this week raised prices of its Office suite by as much as 17 percent and eliminated multi-license packs, all part of a plan to push consumers and small businesses toward new subscription programs, analysts said. Read More »
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Microsoft: Look, We Play Well With Others!
Apple! Twitter! Box! The software giant is visibly ditching its standoffish approach. Read More »
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Open Source in Government IT: It Is About Savings but That's Not the Whole Story
The US government spends about $6bn per year on software licenses and maintenance, according to the Office of Management and Budget. Given the scale of that spending, it's understandable that the US, like other administrations around the world, is considering open-source software and open software standards as a way of saving money. But more than just seeing the move to open source as a cost-effective alternative, public officials worldwide view it as a means of speeding up innovation in the public sector...
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Open Source Push 'Could Save Taxpayer Millions'
The government is investigating free open source software as it emerged that £200m of taxpayers' money has been spent on Microsoft Office alone since 2010 Read More »
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Pentagon App Store Is Open, But The Shelves Are Pretty Bare
The Defense Information Systems Agency’s new Mobile Applications Store is open for business, but don’t expect to shop there for military-grade killer software...But of the 19 apps available in the store as of April 30, only one is a unique military application—DoD Safe Helpline...
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Seven Reasons For Choosing LibreOffice Over Microsoft Office
OK, LibreOffice is free for the download, and you can install it on as many different machines as you choose. But a free price and a free license aren’t much good if the software doesn’t have the features you want.Happily, that’s usually not a concern with LibreOffice or its predecessor, OpenOffice... Read More »
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