See the following -
Shahid Shah Predicts CMS Value-Based Payments Will Drive Adoption of Open Source in Health IT
Shahid Shah, the CEO of Netspective, is one of the most knowledgeable healthIT voices in the world, and he's also is optimist when it comes to open source in health care. Leonard Kish talked with Shahid about open source in health care and where it's headed in the hallways at HIMSS16. Shahid believes open source is just picking up steam because open source is about building connections and driving middleware. That's just the place that healthcare is at at the moment.
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OSEHRA 2016 Open Source Summit
Looking to gain expertise in both public and private sector open source health IT? Want to collaborate on global state-of-the-art solutions for electronic health records, and population health tool development? Need access to domestic and international market opportunities? Then OSEHRA’s 5th annual Open Source Summit, held just outside of Washington, DC from June 27-29, 2016, is the place for you. Nearly 400 industry leaders, federal and state government officials, academics, clinicians, developers, and researchers participated in the 2015 OSEHRA Open Source Summit—with representation from the United States, Canada, India, Jordan, Mexico, Romania, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Do not miss your opportunity to join them this year!
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