OSEHRA 2016 Open Source Summit
Looking to gain expertise in both public and private sector open source health IT? Want to collaborate on global state-of-the-art solutions for electronic health records, and population health tool development? Need access to domestic and international market opportunities? Then OSEHRA’s 5th annual Open Source Summit, held just outside of Washington, DC from June 27-29, 2016, is the place for you.
Nearly 400 industry leaders, federal and state government officials, academics, clinicians, developers, and researchers participated in the 2015 OSEHRA Open Source Summit—with representation from the United States, Canada, India, Jordan, Mexico, Romania, South Korea, and the United Kingdom. Do not miss your opportunity to join them this year!
Keynote Speakers
- Raquel C. Bono, Vice Admiral , Director, Defense Health Agency Medical Corps, United States Navy
- LaVerne H. Council, Assistant Secretary for Information and Technology & CIO, Office of Information and Technology, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- Warren A. Kibbe, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT), NCI
- Mike Tiemann, Vice President, Open Source Affairs, RedHat
- Alexandra Hacala, Deputy Director, Open Source Management, Strategic Investment Management, Department of Veterans Affair
- Amir Ismail, DSS, Inc
- Andrew Casertano, S.A.N. Business Consultants
- Bob Calco, Apex Data Solutions, LLC
- Brandt Welker, Medicasoft, Inc.
- Carol Maddox, Definitive Logic
- Chau Nguyen, NYSA LLC
- Chris Rhodes, Director of Open Source Management, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VHA
- Christopher Edwards, OSEHRA
- David Waltman, VHA
- Deanne Clark, DSS, Inc
- Eddie Brito, DSS, Inc
- Eric Spahn, Veteran Health Administration
- Fabian Lopez, DSS, Inc
- Fred Mingo, Deputy Program Executive for VistA Evolution, Department of Veterans Affairs
- Gary Bartholomew, Open Source Health Inc
- George Lilly, WorldVistA
- Greg Rehwoldt, University of Utah
- Guy Esten, Apex Data Solutions
- Hugh Creedon, DSS, Inc
- In Young Choi, The Catholic University of Korea
- Jack Taylor, M.D., CMIO, BITS, Inc.
- James B. Peake, M.D., LTG (ret.), Chairman of the Board of Directors, OSEHRA
- Jason Li, OSEHRA
- Ji Youl Lee, The Catholic University of Korea
- John Kim, D-Gate Co., Ltd.
- John Wooten, Shoulders Corp.
- Jonathan Nebeker, VHA
- Joseph Del Molin, Chairman, WorldVistA
- Joseph Snyder, OSEHRA
- Joshua Phipps, Akira Technologies
- Kimberly Harding, Monarch Innovation Partners
- Lenny Tambasco, DSS, Inc
- Luke V Rasmussen, Northwestern University
- Mark Hilburger, RHEL and Security Specialist
- Micah Markman, Reingold
- Michael Barlow, dbITPro
- Michael Salvaggio, George Mason University
- Mike O'Neil, CEO, MedicaSoft
- Murielle Beene, Chief Nursing Informatics Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs
- Nancy Anthracite, M.D., WorldVistA
- Nancy Van Ness, WorldVistA
- Nicholas Booth, CUHSM.org
- Ohm Trivedi , Florida Atlantic University
- Paul Bradley, PwC Public Sector LLP
- Philip Newcomb, The Software Revolution, Inc
- Rafael M Richards, Department of Veterans Affairs
- Reed D. Gelzer, Provider Resources, Inc.
- Robert A. Chumley, Radus Software
- Robert Missroon, VP-Finance, CFO, DSS, Inc.
- Roger A. Maduro, Open Health News
- Rohit Kuma, GTI Infotel
- Sam Habiel, VistA Expertise Network
- Scott Gould, GovernmentCIO
- Scott Kim, NEOFECT Co., Ltd.
- Seong K. Mun, Ph.D., President & CEO, OSEHRA
- Shahid N. Shah, Netspective
- Shane McNamee, Veterans Health Administration, OIA
- Stan Vornovitsky, Battle Resource Management, Inc.
- Sudi Sankavaram, Radus Software
- Susan Woods, Veterans Health Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs
- Theresa Cullen, M.D., M.S., Associate Director, Global Health Informatics, Regenstrief Institute
- Tomaž Gornik, CEO, Marand d.o.o.
- Wendell Ocasio, Accenture Federal Services
- Tags:
- Accenture Federal Services
- Akira Technologies
- Alexandra Hacala
- Amir Ismail
- Andrew Casertano
- Apex Data Solutions
- Battle Resource Management Inc.
- BITS Inc.
- Bob Calco
- Brandt Welker
- Carol Maddox
- Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (CBIIT)
- Chau Nguyen
- Chris Rhodes
- Christopher Edwards
- CUHSM.org
- D-Gate Co.
- David Waltman
- dbITPro
- Deanne Clark
- Defense Health Agency Medical Corps
- Definitive Logic
- DSS Inc.
- Eddie Brito
- Eric Spahn
- Fabian Lopez
- Florida Atlantic University
- Fred Mingo
- Gary Bartholomew
- George Lilly
- George Mason University
- GovernmentCIO
- Greg Rehwoldt
- GTI Infotel
- Guy Esten
- Health IT
- Hugh Creedon
- In Young Choi
- interoperability
- Jack Taylor
- James B. Peake
- Jason Li
- Ji Youl Lee
- John Kim
- John Wooten
- Jonathan Nebeker
- Joseph Del Molin
- Joseph Snyder
- Joshua Phipps
- Kimberly Harding
- LaVerne H. Council
- Lenny Tambasco
- Luke V Rasmussen
- Marand
- Mark Hilburger
- MedicaSoft
- MedicaSoft Mike Tiemann
- Micah Markman
- Michael Barlow
- Michael Salvaggio
- Mike O'Neil
- Monarch Innovation Partners
- Murielle Beene
- Nancy Anthracite
- Nancy Van Ness
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
- Netspective
- Nicholas Booth
- Northwestern University NYSA LLC
- Ohm Trivedi
- open health
- Open Health News
- open source
- open source EHR
- Open Source Health Inc.
- Open Source Health IT
- Paul Bradley
- Philip Newcomb
- Provider Resources Inc.
- PwC Public Sector LLP
- Radus Software
- Rafael M. Richards
- Raquel C. Bono
- RedHat
- Reed D. Gelzer
- Regenstrief Institute
- Reingold Robert A. Chumley
- Robert Missroon
- Roger A. Maduro
- Rohit Kumar
- S.A.N. Business Consultants
- Sam Habiel
- Scott Gould
- Scott Kim
- Seong K. Mun
- Shahid Shah
- Shane McNamee
- Shoulders Corp. Stan Vornovitsky
- Sudi Sankavaram
- Susan Woods
- The Catholic University of Korea
- The Software Revolution
- Theresa Cullen
- Tomaz Gornik
- United States Navy
- University of Utah
- US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- Veteran Health Administration (VHA)
- VistA
- VistAEHR
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