Netspective Communications LLC
See the following -
Healthcare players are actively blocking data sharing
Five years ago, only 20% of physicians used electronic medical records (EMRs). Today, 80% use them. Since the enactment of the HITECH Act, which required that EMRs be adopted across all healthcare providers, the federal government has invested more than $28 billion toward their use...
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Healthcare players are actively blocking data sharing
Five years ago, only 20% of physicians used electronic medical records (EMRs). Today, 80% use them. Since the enactment of the HITECH Act, which required that EMRs be adopted across all healthcare providers, the federal government has invested more than $28 billion toward their use.
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OSEHRA 2012 Open Source Summit
The Open Source Electronic Health Records Agent (OSEHRA) will be hosting its First Annual Open Source EHR Summit & Workshop October 17 and 18, 2012, at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. OSEHRA is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating an open source ecosystem around the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) world-class EHR, VistA. Since its creation a year ago by the VA, the organization has grown rapidly and now has more than 1,000 members. Members include a large number of private companies that are engaged in implementing VistA private sector hospitals and clinics, as well as in the large number of foreign countries that are adopting VistA. These solution providers are also developing a whole range of enhancements to the VistA core.
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OSEHRA 2013 Open Source Summit
The 2nd Annual OSEHRA Summit & Workshop will be held September 4-6, 2013, in N. Bethesda, Maryland. OSEHRA Summit 2013 will include pre-conference tutorials on Open Source Software and Agile Software development concepts, technology and certification practices, followed by two days of Plenary Sessions and Educational Workshops keynoted by industry, academic and governmental leaders. The Summit is not just for the open source VistA community, but to everyone interested in learning more about Open Source and Agile Software development and furthering the convergence of emerging business models, Health Informatics, DoD/VA integrated Electronic Health Records (iEHR), public-private health information exchange, and more.
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