Open Data Initiative

See the following -

3 Big Lessons From The Top Techies Rebooting The Government

Elizabeth Segran | Fast Company | November 10, 2015

"We usually think of instigators as people who causes trouble," Patil says. And in some ways, this is exactly what the band of tech outsiders rebooting the government is doing. They've boldly entered the world's largest bureaucracy with the goal of shaking things up, making services run more efficiently for the American people and introducing fresh new ways of doing things. In many ways, their work threatens the status quo. But Patil believes that instigators have a valuable role to play...

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A Look Inside Chicago's Open Gov Hack Nights

Megan DeGruttola | OpenSource Delivers | December 4, 2014

The government’s open data movement, sometimes referred to as Gov 2.0, has come a long way in the past few years. Most are familiar with the Obama administration’s open data initiative and the launch of, but there are extremely active open data civic movements taking place in cities across the U.S...

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HIMSS14: Open Health Presentations at Annual Health IT Conference

As we outlined in our earlier article, "HIMSS14 Annual Conference and Exhibit Opening with Open Source," open source software as well as collaboration and interoperability in health information technology (HIT) has reached break out levels and the HIMSS conference in Orlando, Florida. Below are some of the conference presentations related to open health. Note the large number of presentations the award-winning VistA EHR developed by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and its derivative RPMS developed by the Indian Health Service (IHS). Read More »

Peer Learning Helps Tanzania Reach New Ground with Open Data

When we introduced Tanzanian open data officials to their UK counterparts they shared home truths about problems, gaining new perspective and inspiration to engage users, communicate more and seek support from those who can help. Learning from peers is essential to building momentum behind new open data programmes. As part of our work with the Tanzanian government we were delighted to facilitate their meeting with key figures from government, NGOs, businesses, NGOs and startups in the UK, during a London Study Tour...

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