open source software (OSS)
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6 Examples Of Open Source Best Practices In Knowledge-Sharing Projects
The very effort of creating open source software is a massive knowledge-sharing experience, covering all the domains of software development with many methods and practices. Although there is rarely only one way to achieve a goal, open source communities have, over time, honed their knowledge into best practices as a natural byproduct of the open collaboration and transparency passed on within their respective communities. But what about best practices that span communities, which are useful beyond the unique needs of a single project and broadly applicable to any and all open source software efforts? I'll look at six different knowledge-sharing communities that take six approaches to gathering, maintaining, and distributing their best practices.
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6 Reasons People with Disabilities Should Use Linux
Often, when issues of accessibility and assistive technology are brought up among people with disabilities, the topics center around the usual issues: How can I afford this device? Is it available for me? Will it meet my needs? How will I receive support? Open source solutions, including any Linux-based operating system, are rarely, if ever, considered. The problem isn't with the solution; instead, it is a result of lack of information and awareness of FOSS and GNU/Linux in the disability community, and even among people in general. Here are six solid reasons people with disabilities should consider using Linux...
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6 remarkable features of the new United Nations open source initiative
The United Nations wants to make technology, software, and intellectual property available to everyone, including developing countries. Open source and free software are great tools to achieve this goal since open source is all about empowering people and global collaboration while protecting the personal data and privacy of users. So, the United Nations and the open source community share the same values. This new open source strategy and policy is developed by the United Nations Technology Innovation Labs (UNTIL). Last month, we had our first in-person meeting in Helsinki in the UNTIL offices. I find this initiative remarkable for several reasons:
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6 Ways Physicians can Free Patient Records
A certain doctor's practice had been using EHR software for many years; they had been paying a pretty penny too. For their own reasons they wanted to change their software. They were going to brave the uncertain and scary world of transitioning their current EHR to another one. A round of applause for that decision alone, for many practices tolerate their EHR system only because they have paid a lot of money for it and have spent a lot of time training on it. They just don’t want to go through the pain all over again. This works out in favor of most EHR system vendors, doesn't it? Make the process so painful and costly that the physicians would not want to go through it again, thereby locking the caregivers into an eternal commitment.
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600-bed NHS Hospital in England Goes Live with Open Source Electronic Record for Patients
Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundation Trust has become the first NHS hospital in the UK to go live with an open source electronic patient record (EPR), a landmark move expected to help staff deliver better patient care through improved access to information.The trust has successfully rolled out the system in A&E, theatres, outpatients and the hospital’s 30 wards with the support of IMS MAXIMS, after the software firm released the code for its open source EPR technology to the NHS just over a year ago. Up until now NHS trusts have depended on proprietary software in order to record and manage patient information.
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7 Mistakes Your Open Source Project is Probably Making
It can be tough to start a new open source project. You have an awesome idea in your head, but it takes work to turn it into a productive, healthy, engaging community. Sadly (as seems to be the case in practically anything), the same mistakes are made over and over again by new projects. Here are some of the most common mistakes open source projects make and my recommendations for avoiding them... Of the thousands of open source projects that kick off, too many get stuck at the outset because of a bunch of discussions on a Slack channel, mailing list, issue, or elsewhere. The discussions bounce around the house, and the scope often grows more and more lavish to incorporate the many, sundry ideas and considerations...
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7 Myths About Open Sourcing Your Company's Software - The Real Story
Many companies benefit from open source, and countless companies have opted to open source components of their infrastructure (or even their bread and butter) in an effort to give back. However, there are a lot of misconceptions about what happens when you open up your business' code and workflows to the public, and as companies delve into how to apply open principles within their organization, it's easy to get lost in the weeds. Here are some common misconceptions about what happens when you open source your code...
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7 Rules of Thumb for Your Open Science Project
Tips for creating and maintaining open source software for science. Read More »
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7 Ways Open Source was Essential to Business in 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic created many new challenges for businesses in 2020 as they rapidly moved non-essential workers to remote operations. However, it also created tremendous opportunities for innovation as people searched for effective ways to work and collaborate virtually. responded to the need by publishing a variety of articles in 2020 on working better with open source. Since it appears working remotely is here to stay for the foreseeable future, make sure you're doing everything you can to adapt by reading the top seven articles about open source business from 2020.
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7 Ways Your Company Can Support Open Source
Does your company benefit from open source projects? Then you should support them -- and not just by donating money Read More »
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7 Ways Your Company Can Support Open Source
Does your company benefit from open source projects? Then you should support them -- and not just by donating money Read More »
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8 Clever Ideas For Making Government Work Better With Data
How can we make the places we live more awesome through data? Read More »
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8 Factors To Consider Before Taking The Open-Source Software Leap in Healthcare
Affordable healthcare is a major concern today, especially for companies developing solutions to enter emerging markets. Global companies are finding it exceedingly difficult to compete in comparatively less-regulated markets, with locally developed products.
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9 Relevant Topics for Community Leaders Today
In 2009, Jono Bacon brought the first Community Leadership Summit to the free and open source world. Five years later, Donna Benjamin hosted an off-shoot event, CLSx at in Perth. 2017 marks the third year for CLSxAU at LCA. This year the event hosted nearly 30 attendees, each participating in one or more of nine discussion sessions. All CLS events are presented in an unconference format, allowing attendees to shape the program as they see fit...
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A 40-Year 'Conspiracy' at the VA
Four decades ago, in 1977, a conspiracy began bubbling up from the basements of the vast network of hospitals belonging to the Veterans Administration. Across the country, software geeks and doctors were puzzling out how they could make medical care better with these new devices called personal computers. Working sometimes at night or in their spare time, they started to cobble together a system that helped doctors organize their prescriptions, their CAT scans and patient notes, and to share their experiences electronically to help improve care for veterans...
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