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OSEHRA at the 2019 AFCEA Health IT Summit
OSEHRA is pleased to return as an exhibitor and community sponsor for AFCEA Bethesda's 11th Annual Health IT Summit. This year's two-day event kicks-off today in Bethesda, Maryland and is expected to bring together more than 1,000 senior executives and IT professionals from across industry and government. Sessions will explore strategies for leveraging modern IT technology and tactics to advance healthcare outcomes. Members of the OSEHRA Team will be on-site during the conference to highlight numerous community projects and activities including Version 2 of our Open Source Licensing Guide, popHealth®, Synthetic Patient Data, ViViaN™ and ViViaN-R™, and our 2019 OSEHRA Open Source Summit.
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OSEHRA Community Launches Open Source VistA Marketing Campaign
A collaborative effort by the Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) and its Corporate Members is underway to raise the visibility of open source VistA as a proven, open, and affordable EHR for the commercial marketplace. “The eagerness of our members to actively engage in this promotion demonstrates exactly what OSEHRA can offer the open source community,” said Dr. Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA. “We are committed to the advancement of healthcare.” Read More »
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OSEHRA Community Responds to the Federal Government's Proposed Open Source Policy
The OSEHRA community today submitted a response to the "Draft Open Source Policy for Federal Agencies" released by the White House on March 10. The policy was open for comments through today. This is a major milestone for the OSEHRA community as well as the open source community as a whole. Currently the US Government spends nearly a hundred billion dollars a year on software purchased from the private sector or procured from government contractors. Most of this software acquisition ends up in failure. President Barack Obama has made it a priority to shift technology acquisition policies to solve this problem and restore technology innovation by embracing open source.
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OSEHRA Community Responds to the VA's RFI for eHMP Agile Development Contract Strategy
In recent days, OSEHRA Community Members have enthusiastically collaborated to develop a response to VA’s Request for Information (RFI) for a contract strategy that is suitable for agile development of Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP). I would like to thank more than 50 members who contributed in developing the final document that OSEHRA submitted today on behalf of the community. Many members participated in community discussions, shared documents, and provided great ideas. We hope that our response accurately presents the depth and breath of expertise and commitment to excellence that has been shown by the OSEHRA Community.
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OSEHRA Debuts 2015 Innovation Webinar Series
OSEHRA is excited to announce confirmed speakers for the Innovation Webinar Series, an engaging and free online event hosted monthly by OSEHRA, its members, and those on the forefront of open source. Read More »
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OSEHRA Is On the Move
OSEHRA is on the Move. As we clear the hurdles of establishing Governance structure, clarifying Vision, implementing work Processes, and employing our IT Infrastructure and Development Tools, we simultaneously are preparing ourselves for the long run with the Open Source community. April 2012 was a busy month. We began the month by convening our first meeting of the OSEHRA Board of Directors; General (Retired) James Peake, Mr. Michael O’Neill and Dr. John Halamka. This inaugural Board meeting marks our official emergence as an independent organization with its own governing board. We will publish the meeting minutes on our web-site.
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OSEHRA Launches Code Repository and Certification Process
Code Repository and Software Quality Certification Process has been launched by OSHERA. Users, developers, and researchers are able to engage with and advance electronic health record technology using robust tools from OSHERA. A significant step in ensuring this has been the establishment of the repository and certification process. Read More »
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OSEHRA Open Source Community Celebrates 1,000th Member
OSEHRA, (Open Source Electronic Health Record Agent) the nonprofit dedicated to advancing open source electronic health records and accelerating innovation in health care information technology, announced today it has surpassed 1,000 authenticated users. Read More »
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OSEHRA Posts Video of Scheduling System Industry Day
I heard today from Kris Prendergast, OSEHRA's open source community organizer. She gave me a heads up that OSEHRA has posted the full recording "Industry Day" that the US Deaprtment of Veterans Affairs (VA) conducted on June 18. As detailed in this press release, several of the key technical groups in the VA joined forces to host this day-long event. The event provided an intense and productive discussion of the VA's new scheduling application called Medical Appointment Scheduling System, or MASS for short (gosh, can't the folks at the VA come up with good names!).
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OSEHRA Releases Enhanced ViViaN™ Visualization Toolset
OSEHRA is pleased to announce a new version of our ViViaN™ visualization toolset. OSEHRA’s VistA Cross Reference (DOX) pages have gotten a great deal of positive feedback from VistA users/developers inside and outside of VA. However, it didn’t capture some of the more obscure package dependencies, and there was no ability to export reports. VA needed both capabilities to assist with internal development efforts, and funded a set of enhanced capabilities. The new version not only directly addresses VA’s requirements, but will also benefit the entire community.
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OSEHRA Releases popHealth v6.0
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA)...is pleased to announce the release of Version 6.0 of the popHealth open source clinical quality measure database and reporting engine. This new release is certified for the 2015 Edition Health IT Module certification for Clinical Quality Measure (CQM) reporting criteria...This release is the culmination of collective efforts by members of the OSEHRA popHealth Steering Work Group and the Developer Open Source Project Group. In particular, the Alabama Medicaid Agency provided all of development resources to achieve the certification for the 2019 performance period. Organizational Members Medsphere, Oroville Hospital, and Zato Health collaborated with other organizations in the community to provide expert advice and testing support.
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OSEHRA Releases Upgrade to popHealth for the 2018 Clinical Quality Measure Reporting Criteria
The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) announced today the release of the Version 5.1 of the popHealth® open-source clinical quality measure database and reporting engine. The new release maintains its 2015 Edition Health IT Module certification for Clinical Quality Measure (CQM) reporting criteria: (c)2-4, (d)1-3, (g)4, and (g)5 for the Calendar Year 2018 performance period. This release is the culmination of collaborative efforts by members of the OSEHRA popHealth Steering Work Group and the Developer Open Source Project Group. In particular, the Alabama State Medicaid committed significant development resources to achieve the attestation certification for the 2018 performance period.
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OSEHRA to Hold Community Calls to Discuss VA Digital Health Platform [Updated]
OSEHRA is holding a community call today and next Thursday, Sept. 29, with the open health community to discuss the response of the open source community to the recently release RFI by the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) for a "digital health platform." Notice with details from Seong K. Mun below..."According to the RFI (which is attached to this message), VHA "desires a Next Generation Digital Health Platform that is integrated, future-proof and optimizes the cost of operations. To achieve these goals, VA is considering establish an interoperable digital health platform that leads to Easier Access to Care for the Veteran, Better Outcomes for the Veteran and more efficient operations for the VHA"
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OSEHRA To Hold Innovation Webinar on Open Source Clinical Quality Tools
OSEHRA is going to be holding a special one-hour Innovation Webinar tomorrow as part of the National Health IT Week. The focus will be on open source applications and tools that are gaining traction for clinical quality measures. Well known and very mature is popHealth. The webinar participants will discuss the latest upgrades in version 5.0 of the software. They will also present a new entrant into the field. That would be the Cedar project, an open source tool for testing the strength of Electronic Clinical Quality Measure (eCQM) collection systems that receive Quality Reporting Document Architecture (QRDA) files.
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OSEHRA to Hold Kick-Off Meeting for VistA Internationalization Project
OSEHRA Chairman Seong K. Mun will be holding a kick-off meeting for the recently announced VistA Internationalization project called Plan VI...This is an important project as the open source VistA electronic health record is being adopted internationally at a rapid pace. There are large numbers of VistA deployments in Jordan and India, and great interest in South Korea, Japan, and China. The Internationalization project should accelerate the international adoption of the EHR, ranked as the best hospital-based EHR in the world.
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