Partnership for Patients
See the following -
Embarrassing New GAO Report On Hospital Safety Has Two Surprising Bright Spots
Hospitals are flummoxed by the problem of patient safety, according to a report issued by the Government Accounting Office (GAO) just in time for this week’s Patient Safety Awareness Week. Issued at the request of ranking members of the Senate Committee on Finance and Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.), respectively, the report reveals three explanations on why hospitals find it so difficult to address patient safety. I am summarizing, but I am not exaggerating...
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HHS Offers $665M To Spark Innovation
The government has divvied up more than $665 million to states for designing and testing ways to improve healthcare quality, accessibility and affordability. The awards will go to 28 states, three territories and the District of Columbia...
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Why Developers Should Enter Health IT Contests
Patient safety is a movement within healthcare to reduce medical errors. Medical errors are a substantial problem in the healthcare industry, with a size and scope similar to car accidents: approximately the same number of deaths per year, about the same number of serious injuries. Personally I think working in patient safety is the simplest way for a geek to make a meaningful difference. Read More »
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