
See the following -

Open Source, Soccer-Playing Robots For All!

Beth Carter | Wired | November 7, 2012

What’s cooler than a humanoid robot? Why, a humanoid robot that plays soccer, of course. And you can get one for just 25 grand. Read More »

Open-Source Kits Put Robots In Many Hands

John Titus | Design News | October 11, 2012

I recently received an interesting press release about Multiplo, a four-person startup seeking venture funds in small amounts to create and manufacture kits for anyone interested in robotics. Read More »

Qt And The International Space Apps Challenge

Adrian Bridgwater | Dr. Dobb's | April 4, 2014

The Qt cross platform application and user interface (UI) development framework has been named as a "recommended development framework" for the NASA International Space Apps Challenge.  Now under the commercial stewardship of Digia, Qt is used by over half a million developers today and can be used to create interactive and platform-independent applications.

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Researchers Create Skeleton Robot with Human-Like Muscles

Billy Steele | Engadget | July 14, 2016

If robots that mimic animal or human behavior are your nightmare fuel, turn away now. Researchers at the Tokyo Institute of Technology went one step further with a skeleton robot, giving it human-like muscles to help with movement...

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Robots, Health Care & Open Source

The 1980's saw the emergence of some of the first uses of robots in a health care setting. These were primarily restricted to robotic carts used to move mail, medical records, prescriptions, and laboratory specimens around a medical center. There was also an increasing commitment to research and development (R&D) of stationary robotic devices used for specialized purposes, e.g. packaging drugs. Read More »

Surgical Robots to Provide Open-Source Platform for Medical Robotics Research

Hannah Hickey | | January 12, 2012

In a basement on the University of Washington campus perch seven identical robots. Named Raven, each has two winglike arms that end in tiny claws designed to perform surgery on a simulated patient. Read More »

The Gruesome Statistics Behind One Of America's Most Dangerous Jobs

Ben Schiller | Co.Exist | March 1, 2016

New government data shows that hand amputations are scarily common for meatpacking workers. Meatpacking is one of the dangerous jobs you can do in America. Injuries requiring time away from work are three times more common than U.S. industry as a whole. With tenderizers, grinders, hooks and extruders all around, there's always a chance you'll come off worse...

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Video: Robotic Exoskeleton Turns Everyday Houseplants Into Cyborgs

Christopher Mims | Nextgov | May 9, 2013

As if we needed more evidence that we have more technology than we know what to do with, a collaboration between an artist and an engineer has yielded something both whimsical and potentially useful. It gives houseplants autonomy. Read More »

Virtuabotix & Artec Make It Easier To Teach Robotics, Science & Technology

Press Release | Virtuabotix | July 16, 2014

It can be difficult to teach robotics, science and technology in fun and engaging ways. Because of this, Virtuabotix is working to grow its already expansive line of Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM) kits to help make it possible to teach these subjects in schools and at home...

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What Is Great About OuiShare And In The Rest Of Europe

Lorenzo Mannello | Maker Faire Rome | April 29, 2013

Early May is all about sharing: in Paris there is OuiShare Fest, an event for creative minds, makers and fabbers from all around Europe (and not only). In addition to professional meetings, there are events for people who are simply curious and wish to hear all the latest news and share an interest in the new industrial revolution. Read More »

Why Humans Still Can't Go To Mars

Brian Fung | Nextgov | May 31, 2013

Long-distance human spaceflight is, famously, a bust. So far, anyway -- no doubt we'll figure it out someday. But the reason we haven't sent humans on five-year missions seeking out new life and new civilizations isn't because of cost, politics, or lack of warp drive. The real reason is that astronauts would probably be killed by radiation before they met their first gas giant. Read More »

Your Current Supply Chain Is Toast, But Its Replacement Will Be Awesome

Paul Brody | ReadWrite | June 24, 2013

3D printing, robotics and open-source hardware will usher in a superior alternative: Software defined supply chains. Read More »