Sylvia Mathews Burwell
See the following -
Breaking Down the Role of Patient Engagement in Meaningful Use
Patient engagement plays a great role in meaningful use, despite much industry debate and conflicting interests. Patient engagement is not just a new patient-centered care philosophy. For providers and hospitals participating in the EHR Incentive Programs, patient engagement is a critical part of receiving incentive payments. Between the different stages of meaningful use and new rule proposals amending the program, the requirements for patient engagement are not always clear.
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Heavyweights Lead Charge For More Time On EHR Meaningful Use
A host of heavyweight healthcare organizations is calling for HHS to back off of the requirement to meet meaningful-use criteria for all of 2015 for the federally funded electronic health-record incentive payment program, insisting that the future of the program is at stake...
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HIMSS16 - HHS Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell Opens Conference

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ONC Chief DeSalvo Vacates Role, Reider Resigns CMO Post
Leadership changes atop ONC raise questions about the agency’s ability to achieve its long-term plans for interoperability...
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Senate hearing focuses on potential delay of MU Stage 3
Despite the federal government's best intentions to create an interoperable healthcare landscape, the Meaningful Use program has yet to truly prevent information blocking by both providers and vendors, legislators on the Senate's Health, Education, Labor & Pensions committee declared at a hearing Thursday. To that end, they led a discussion focused on potentially delaying Stage 3 of the program, proposed in late March.
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Technology Is At The Heart Of Obama’s Second-Term Management Agenda
President Obama on Monday highlighted the continuing role of technology in his second-term management reform agenda, using a televised speech to White House staff to also defend the federal workforce and nudge Congress to grant him long-sought authority to consolidate agencies to curb duplication. [...] Read More »
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Washington Debrief: Is Meaningful Use In Danger?
...More groups weighed-in on the new meaningful use (MU) rule, allowing providers to meet MU through alternative pathways in 2014. Concerns mount over full-year EHR reporting period coming Oct. 1, 2014...
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With 2nd Ebola Patient's Release, Defense Chief Hagel, HHS Ask Nebraska Med Center To Share What It Has Learned
Now that the Nebraska Medical Center’s biocontainment unit has released a second Ebola-free patient, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and other federal officials want unit staffers to share what they have learned...
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