VSA VistA.js project
See the following -
OSEHRA 2016: Leading Experts from Apex Data Solutions to Present Open Source Summit
Press Release |
Apex Data Solutions |
June 23, 2016
Apex Data Solutions, a pioneer and leader in enterprise architecture and interoperable platforms, point-of-service data capture, data management, and federation solutions, today announced its experts will be giving two presentations at the 2016 OSERHA Open Source Summit, taking place June 27th- 29th in Bethesda MD. The first session, “Viva La VistA Revolution! - The Democratization of VistA and Progress toward an Interoperable Enterprise Architecture, will be led by Bob Calco (co-founder), Chief Architect & Lead Developer at Apex Data Solutions. The second session, “VistA js - “Data Federation in the VA Today,” will be given by Guy Esten...
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