OSEHRA 2016: Leading Experts from Apex Data Solutions to Present Open Source Summit
Tampa, Fl. (June 23, 2016) Apex Data Solutions, a pioneer and leader in enterprise architecture and interoperable platforms, point-of-service data capture, data management, and federation solutions, today announced its experts will be giving two presentations at the 2016 OSERHA Open Source Summit, taking place June 27th- 29th in Bethesda MD. The first session, “Viva La VistA Revolution! - The Democratization of VistA and Progress toward an Interoperable Enterprise Architecture, will be led by Bob Calco (co-founder), Chief Architect & Lead Developer at Apex Data Solutions.
Bob CalcoThe second session, “VistA js - “Data Federation in the VA Today,” will be given by Guy Esten, Director, Portfolio Management & Open Source Initiatives at Apex Data Solutions. Further, they both will also be part of the VistA js Open Source Workgroup - “Guidance and Steering of Healthcare Data Federation Capabilities,” as panelist and moderator for the discussion.
“OSEHRA is the forum through which Open Source contribution to Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems is facilitated,” said Guy Esten. “Through these presentations, we hope to stimulate discussion on healthcare interoperability and the dynamics that drive or constrain interoperability in the healthcare marketplace”
Session I: Viva La VistA Revolution! - The Democratization of VistA and Progress toward an Interoperable Enterprise Architecture
- What: This session will discuss lessons learned from the ongoing VSA VistA.js project point to an era of rapid development of interoperability-savvy “integrations-as-a-service”.
- Who: Bob Calco (co-founder), Chief Architect & Lead Developer at Apex Data Solutions
- When: Tuesday, June 28 (1:30-3:00 pm ET)
Guy EstenSession II: VistA js - “Data Federation in the VA Today
- What: Apex will discuss the current status of VistA Services Assembler program’s VistA.js in IOC now, with national rollout planned for later this year, and review he handling of challenges in Identity Management and in PMAS to VIP transition.
- Who: Guy Esten, Director, Portfolio Management & Open Source Initiatives at Apex Data Solutions
- When: Tuesday, June 28 (3:15-5:15 pm ET)
Session II: VistA js Open Source Workgroup - “Guidance and Steering of Healthcare Data Federation Capabilities,”
- What: This panel will discuss healthcare interoperability and the dynamics that drive or constrain interoperability in the healthcare marketplace, and field questions from the moderator and the audience.
- Who: Panel: Bob Calco, Apex Data Solutions, LLC, David Whitten, CTO, World VistA, LLC, JackTaylor, M.D., CMIO, BITS, Inc. Moderator: Guy Esten, Apex Data Solutions,
- When: Tuesday, June 28 (3:15-5:15 pm ET)
OSEHRA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating innovation in electronic health record software and related technology. Founded in 2011, OSEHRA is a rapidly growing open source community with over 1,500 registered members representing 160+ industry, academic, and government organizations. OSEHRA supports an open, collaborative community of users, developers, and researchers engaged in advancing electronic health record software and related health information technology. OSEHRA hosts software repositories for applications such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ VistA electronic health record. OSEHRA is a member of global industry associations including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), Health Level 7 (HL7), and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE).
- Tags:
- 2016 OSEHRA Summit
- 2016 OSERHA Open Source Summit
- Apex Data Solutions
- Bob Calco
- data capture
- data Federation in the VA
- data management
- David Whitten
- Democratization of VistA
- Electronic Health Record (EHR)
- enterprise architecture
- federation solutions
- Guy Esten
- health information technology (HIT)
- Health IT
- healthcare data federation capabilities
- healthcare interoperability
- integrations-as-a-service
- interoperability in the healthcare marketplace
- Interoperable Enterprise Architecture
- interoperable platforms
- JackTaylor
- open health
- open source
- open source EHR
- Open Source Health IT
- Open source initiatives
- open source software (OSS)
- OSEHRA 2016
- OSEHRA Open Source Workgroup
- point-of-service
- US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
- VistA EHR
- VistA js
- VistA js Open Source Workgroup
- VistA Services Assembler
- VistA.js
- VSA VistA.js project
- World VistA
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