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K.S. Bhaskar
K.S. Bhaskar is the founder and president of YottaDB. YottaDB was founded in 2017 by to provide approachable access to the GT.M code base and to expand the application use beyond the narrow focus of the organization behind it. Due to the open source nature of YottaDB, the best and brightest of the NoSQL and GT.M communities are contributing to the ongoing success of the YottaDB database.
Bhaskar led GT.M from 1995 to 2017. He joined the GT.M team as VP Engineering and eventually became the President of Greystone Software, GT.M’s developer. When Greystone Software was purchased by Sanchez Computer Associates, the original developer of what is now the ultra-scalable FIS Profile real-time core-banking system, Bhaskar continued to lead GT.M as the VP of the GT.M Group, a leadership that continued as Sanchez Computer was in turn purchased and became one of the predecessor companies of FIS (NYSE: FIS). During his tenure, GT.M transitioned from a database engine used in successful but modest deployments, to one that is at the heart of several of the world’s largest real-time core-banking systems, as well a nationwide electronic health record system.
In 2017, Bhaskar left FIS and founded YottaDB LLC, as he believes the proven GT.M code base can be more approachable and has applications beyond the narrow range of FIS’ remit.
Bhaskar spent most of his pre-GT.M career in the electronics test and measurement industry. During his tenure as VP of Engineering, Asyst Software Technologies in Rochester, NY (a subsidiary of Keithley Instruments) developed VIEWDAC, the first 32-bit real-time laboratory data acquisition software. Earlier in his career, he led the software team of the Fluke 9010A Microsystem Troubleshooter, widely used for troubleshooting microprocessor based systems, including the Rockwell-Collins radio altimeter used in the Boeing 757 and 767.
Bhaskar earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Washington-Seattle.
A geek at heart, Bhaskar installs and manages Linux systems at work and at home, and has used Linux as his primary desktop since 1999. Bhaskar only recently discovered the joys of owning a dog, and spends time with Emmy, a new love in his life. In addition to exercise, going for long walks with Emmy gives him time to think.