OSEHRA Announces 2017 Open Source Summit
Arlington, VA – The Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA) is pleased to announce that registration for its 2017 Open Source Summit: Succeeding with the New Federal Open Source Policy, to be held June 13-15 at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, is now available. DSS, Inc., a leading health IT corporation and active participant in the OSEHRA community, will be returning as Conference Sponsor.
“Our Summit continues to be a unique community forum for open source activities, and a great example of public-private partnership,” said Seong K. Mun, President of OSEHRA. “This year, participants will see how OSEHRA’s ecosystem of software, governance, and community can serve as a powerful model for the successful implementation of the new Federal open source policy. This policy aims to achieve high efficiency through code reuse by Federal agencies and the private sector globally. Both contractors and government employees need to understand the benefits and implications of this new strategy.”
Dr. Seong K. MunThe Summit provides a venue for community leaders to showcase their findings and share their experiences in open source during the technical tracks. Community members and attendees are highly encouraged to submit papers for consideration during the Call for Abstracts, which will remain open until March 15. As this year’s title implies, a significant amount of the Summit program will be devoted to sectors beyond healthcare, including open source strategies in cybersecurity, cloud computing, and big data. Nevertheless, the Summit will continue to be a focal point for open discussion on VA’s VistA Evolution. Much of this year’s VA discussions will center around the powerful new Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP) that is designed to dramatically improve the usability and functionality beyond VistA. Interoperability and analytics will also be focal points in these sessions.
For those who are not familiar with open source or the new Federal Open Source Policy, the Summit will provide training sessions on the following:
- Open Source Basics, including Licensing
- Code Reuse Strategies and Redaction Challenges
- Open Source Code Certification
- Open Source Data Management
This year, for the first time, OSEHRA is also offering advanced technical training immediately prior to the Summit. The first course being considered is a training session on GT.M from June 10-13. The GT.M Administration & Operations course provides hands-on training on setting up, managing, and troubleshooting GT.M environments (DevOps), and is valuable for those interested in working with GT.M. Tuition for this course would be separate from the conference registration. The course is contingent upon sufficient community interest, which should be conveyed by November 30 to [email protected].
Early Bird Registration for the 2017 OSEHRA Open Source Summit is offered until April 30. Sponsorship and Exhibitor opportunities are now available.
- Tags:
- 2017 Open Source Summit
- big data
- Cloud Computing
- cybersecurity
- Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP)
- Federal Open Source Policy
- GT.M
- health IT corporation
- Health IT Interoperability
- Inc.
- open health
- open source
- open source EHR
- Open Source Electronic Health Record Alliance (OSEHRA)
- Open Source Health IT
- open source strategies
- OSEHRA 2017 Open Source Summit
- public-private partnership
- Seong K. Mun
- troubleshooting GT.M environments (DevOps)
- VistA EHR
- VistA Evolution
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