How Apple Can Fix The Usability Problem In Healthcare

Jonathan Baran | | October 27, 2010

I want clinicians to buy more Apple products.  I want Macbooks to replace your PCs.  Other than promoting Apple and angering PC-lovers, why would I say this?

I want clinicians to buy more Apple products.  I want Macbooks to replace your PCs.  Other than promoting Apple and angering PC-lovers, why would I say this?

I say this because my mind was opened to a new world when I started using Apple products — usability. Usability means making tools easier-to-use so you can complete your job quicker or easier than you previously could.

Windows-based PCs are notorious for their usability problems.  Even Bill Gates was aware of these issues.  Since we have all used a Windows-based PC they are great at exemplifying usability problems. Identifying usability problems are difficult because you probably don’t even recognize them, you just learn to live with them.  Some examples from PC-land: