World AIDS Day: Battling the Disease with MobileTech
Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day, a day that is all about raising awareness, countering prejudice, and helping stop the spread of HIV/AIDS. has put together some of the mobile projects and organizations we've covered recently that are innovating with mobile tech in the fight against HIV and AIDS.
RedChatZone: HIV Counseling via Mobile Instant Messaging Chat
This project is an innovative mobile-based platform for youth and young adults to learn more about HIV and to get support by offering them the ability to communicate anonymously and privately via MXit with a trained counselor.
Project Masiluleke: Comprehensive HIV Care with Mobiles
Capitalizing on the 90% of South Africans who own mobile phones, Project Masiluleke brings HIV awareness to the public, and improved treatment compliance for patients through the use of text messaging. Also, check out an earlier post on the Praekelt Foundation and Young Africa Live, SocialTXT, and TXTAlert.
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