Technology Emerges as a Tool to Recruit Clinicians

John Rossheim | Curaspan Health Group | February 9, 2011

In the 2010s, what’s the latest tool for recruiting the best clinicians to your hospital? Is it the professional pride of being associated with an organization that provides the best care in the region? Is it showing respect for the growing number of clinicians who seek to work hard but protect their personal lives from excessive intrusions in the form of frequent on-call duty or mandatory overtime?

In fact, there’s one institutional resource that can make a substantial contribution to your pitch for both of these lures: your technology for efficient, timely and accurate communication.

...Regardless of the size of your institution, if you’ve got a comprehensive, up-to-date technology, it makes sense to flaunt it. “Candidates very commonly ask about EHR, and we always mention it as a selling point,” says Sigurd Ackerman, M.D., president and medical director of Silver Hill Hospital, a 130-bed psychiatric facility in New Canaan, Conn. “They want to know, do we have a system, which one, and how complete is it? We have VistA, and many younger psychiatrists have experience with it through their training at VA hospitals.”