Expert: Cyberattacks might be the tip of the iceberg

Juliana Gruenwald | National Journal | August 3, 2011

...Dmitri Alperovitch, vice president of threat research at cybersecurity firm McAfee, discussed a new report on a series of cyberattacks that his company discovered. McAfee gained access to the logs belonging to one server, based in a Western country the company declined to identify, that was used by the hackers. It revealed which companies and organizations had been hit in the past five years by the operation.

Alperovitch said that it’s likely that there are probably hundreds, if not thousands, of other servers engaged in the same type of shenanigans. “If you extrapolate the 70-plus victims into hundreds or thousands [of computers] you see the whole economy is impacted by these intrusions,” Alperovitch said. He said such intrusions pose a threat not just to U.S. national security but also to its economic security....