Medicine 2.0 Day One
Susannah Fox | | September 16, 2012
My schedule only allowed me to attend Day One of the fantastically rich Medicine 2.0 Congress being held this weekend in Boston. I thought I’d share my impressions and notes in case they spark inspiration for other people, as each presenter and hallway conversation did for me.
When I arrived at 7:30am, there was no line at the registration desk, so I grabbed my badge (created in the brilliant style of last year’s, as designed by Larry Chu) and started chatting with people.
I had a wonderful talk with Michelle Eberle, a medical librarian working the National Library of Medicine table (sadly, I didn’t get her name) (updated thanks to @SeerGenius). She told me that one of the most useful Pew Internet data points is this one, from a 2009 report:
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- Alexandra Drane
- Antonio Bertone
- Bertalan Meskó
- Claire McCarthy
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- Constance Johnson
- Dan Hoch
- Daniel Swayze
- digital age
- Francisco Grajales
- Gonzalo Bacigalupe
- Gunther Eysenbach
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- Heather Wellington
- internet
- Jamie Heywood
- Jill Plevinsky
- Joe Graedon
- John Lester
- Ken Mandl
- Kevin Clauson
- Lisa Gualtieri
- medical records
- Medicine 2.0 Congress
- Michelle Eberle
- Myrna Morales
- patient safety
- PatientLikeMe
- Paul Wicks
- Reka Lassu
- Richard Jackson
- Robyn Whittaker
- safety
- Sally Okun
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