One year after the Global Biological Standards Institute (GBSI) issued its Reproducibility2020 challenge and action plan for the biomedical research community, the organization reports encouraging progress toward the goal to significantly improve the quality of preclinical biological research by year 2020. "Reproducibility2020 Report: Progress and Priorities," posted today on bioRxiv, identifies action and impact that has been achieved by the life science research community and outlines priorities going forward. The report is the first comprehensive review of the steps being taken to improve reproducibility since the issue became more widely known in 2012...
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A Reboot of the Legendary Physics Site ArXiv Could Shape Open Science
In the early days of the Internet, scientists erected their own online network, a digital utopia that still stands today. Here, astronomers, physicists, mathematicians, computational biologists, and computer scientists come together to discuss heady, cosmic topics. They exchange knowledge—without exchanging money. It’s called arXiv, and it’s where researchers go to post their ideas for discussion, sharing PDFs of their scientific articles before they’re locked behind a journal’s paywall...
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GBSI Reports Encouraging Progress Toward Improved Research Reproducibility by Year 2020
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New Open Source Drug Discovery Project Aims to Develop Mycetoma Treatment
The MycetOS (Mycetoma Open Source) project was launched today by the University of Sydney, Erasmus MC, and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) to use an Open Pharma approach to discover compounds that could lead to new treatments for patients suffering from fungal mycetoma (eumycetoma), a devastating disease for which current treatments are ineffective, expensive, and toxic.
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uBiome Reveals Details of Clinical Screening Test for Gut Health
Leading microbial genomics company uBiome has released a preprint of a publication submitted for peer review, entitled “16S rRNA Gene Sequencing as a Clinical Diagnostic Aid for Gastrointestinal-related Condition.” Details are available to the public in a preprint on the online archive BioRxiv. The pre-print comes alongside the announcement of the world’s first sequencing-based clinical microbiome test, SmartGut™. SmartGut™ enables physicians and patients to access a comprehensive microbiome screening test with a simple, at-home sample collection, to identify important commensal and pathogenic microorganisms...
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