civil liberties
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How Do We Balance Civil Liberties With Treatment Of The Mentally Ill?
In January of this year, political analyst Norman Ornstein lost his 34-year-old son, Matthew, to accidental carbon monoxide poisoning. While Matthew’s death was a tragic blow to family and friends, it was not the kind of out-of-the-blue shock that comes with absolutely no forewarning. Matthew, as Ornstein says in a New York Times op-ed published last month, had struggled with mental illness for 10 years, which contributed to poor decision making and his untimely death. A resident scholar with the American Enterprise Institute and writer for The Atlantic and Washington Post, Ornstein says that perhaps the most difficult aspect of Matthew’s death was the inability of family and friends to help treat Matthew’s mental health challenges after he had his initial psychotic break.
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Introducing Aaron’s Law, A Desperately Needed Reform Of The Computer Fraud And Abuse Act
The Internet is up for grabs. [...] We need an informed public debate to ensure lawmakers make the right choices that fully preserve the vital openness of the Internet and the privacy and civil liberties of its users. Reforming the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) should be a part of that debate. Read More »
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Prominent Critic Of Patent System To Join The White House
Santa Clara law professor Colleen Chien, who has published research that questions the economic justification for patent trolling, will advise the Obama Administration’s Chief Technology Officer. Read More »
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The CISPA-Zombie Won’t Die. Instead, It Changed Its Name To CISA And It’s Here To Violate Your Privacy.
On Tuesday, the Senate Intelligence Committee met in secret and approved the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2014 (CISA)(S. 2588). The bill started out in bad shape, and privacy advocates across the country spoke out about our concerns...
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The Latest Snowden Leak Is Devastating To NSA Defenders
The agency collected and stored intimate chats, photos, and emails belonging to innocent Americans—and secured them so poorly that reporters can now browse them at will...
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‘We Kill People Based On Metadata’
If you have enough metadata, you don’t really need content.” When I quoted Baker at a recent debate at Johns Hopkins University, my opponent, General Michael Hayden, former director of the NSA and the CIA, called Baker’s comment “absolutely correct,” and raised him one, asserting, “We kill people based on metadata.”
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