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Open Source Day at Grace Hopper 2015
The 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) started out like any other, with a giant room filled with thousands of women with a passion for technology and computing. This year's welcome keynote opened with green lights strobing over a dark room. What a way to highlight the rows and rows of women ready to learn, connect, and join new communities. Telle Whitney, founder of GHC, was first to the podium and offered a heartfelt and sincere welcome message that brought a tear to my eye. She spoke of the women who built GHC from their vision of a better future, where women and men take equal part in technology, and of her diagnosis of an auto immune disease. But she's doing well she says, and thanked everyone for their thoughts and concern...
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Open Source Goes Corporate: Can Open Healthcare Be Far Behind?
If you aren't in IT, you may have missed the news that IBM is acquiring Red Hat, a leader in the open source Linux movement, or that, a couple days prior, Microsoft closed on its acquisition of GitHub, a leader in open source software development. Earlier this year Salesforce acquired Mulesoft, and Cloudera and Hortonworks merged; all were other open source leaders. I must confess, I had never heard of some of these companies, but I'm starting to believe what MarketWatch said following the IBM announcement: "open source has truly arrived." What exactly that means, especially for healthcare, I'm not sure, but it's worth exploring. IBM is paying $34b for Red Hat.
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Open Source Has Won: Now What's Your Strategy?
...[O]pen source is here to stay. If your organization isn’t using open source software in mission-critical applications, you’re in the minority...
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Open Source's 2014: MS 'Cancer' Embrace, NASDAQ Listings And A Quiet Dog
...Another year, another slew of open source announcements that prove the once-maligned development methodology is now so mainstream as to be tedious...And yet in 2014 we had a few events in open source that managed to surprise us, and suggest an even brighter future...
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Open Sourcers Drop Software Religion for Common Sense
But in 2009, Olson founded Cloudera — the first outfit to commercialize Hadoop, the open source data-crunching platform based on Google’s software infrastructure — and he dropped the GPL in favor of the Apache license, a license that doesn’t require contributions back to the community. You might think that such licenses would stunt the growth of the open source world. But Olson believes the opposite is true.
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Prepare For Change! This Is Not Your Father’s Database Industry
Incumbent database vendors aren’t exactly struggling to make ends meet, but the smart ones know that resting on their laurels might get them there someday. That’s because open source technologies like NoSQL and Hadoop are coming after their business. Read More »
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Proprietary Software may be a Trap
Open source is winning praise in enterprises thanks to businesses realising the risk of letting proprietary software control their businesses. Read More »
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The Money In Open-Source Software
It’s no secret that open-source technology — once the province of radicals, hippies and granola eaters — has gone mainstream. According to industry estimates, more than 180 young companies that give away their software raised roughly $3.2 billion in financing from 2011 to 2014. Even major enterprise-IT vendors are relying on open-source for critical business functions today. It’s a big turnaround from the days when former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer famously called the open-source Linux operating system “a cancer” (and obviously a threat to Windows)...
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The next $1 Billion 'open source' company
It's been just under seven months since Red Hat became the world's first $1 billion open-source company. Now the question is who will follow suit and become the next open source company to hit this milestone?
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Welcome To The Open Source Renaissance
Ever-popular among developers, open source technology has moved away from the fringes of tech right to the center of the enterprise, thanks to its high level of security and agility.
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Why Open Source Is a Safe Choice for Government Agencies
Already prevalent in big data applications and many other software solutions regularly employed by agencies, open-source technologies are a natural fit for the public sector. Their ability to combine distributed peer review and transparency drives software innovation at an accelerated pace and at a significantly lower cost.
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Winner Of The 2012 Government Big Data Solutions Award
The Government Big Data Solutions Award was established to highlight innovative solutions and facilitate the exchange of best practices, lessons learned and creative ideas for addressing Big Data challenges. The Top Five Nominees of 2012 were chosen for criteria that included: Read More »
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Apache Roadshow - Washington DC
The Apache Software Foundation to present on Apache software projects in government, cybersecurity, and more at Roadshow and Open Source Job Fair at George Mason University. The DC Roadshow program features two dozen presentations on Apache projects across the following tracks: government, cybersecurity, CARE projects, and career development, in tandem with one of the first Open Source Software job fairs.Topics include The Apache Way, analytics, Big Data, Cloud, cybersecurity, governance, healthcare, machine learning and natural language processing (NLP), and security, featuring Apache projects such as Airflow, Cassandra, cTAKES, Daffodil (incubating), Drill, Fortress, Hadoop, Ignite, NiFi, Rya, Tomcat, and more.
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