Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS)
See the following -
Accenture Unit Will Update VA's EHR
VistA Core modernization and modularization will prepare the Veterans Administration's electronic health records system for the future. The core of the Veterans Administration's VistA electronic health records system will be broken down and rebuilt by ASM Research, part of Accenture Federal Services, under a two-year, $162 million contract.
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Deconstructing Veterans Health Care
...An estimated 80% of the 9 million veterans receiving health care at the VA are satisfied. To cull from this population a minority of dissatisfied people who report negative things about the VA is not responsible investigative reporting; it is just tabloid journalism...
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DSS Announces Integration of SMART Alerts into VistA GUI
Document Storage Systems, Inc. (DSS) announced its successful integration of SMART Alerts into the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) Version 31 to enhance patient care for female veterans and workflow for providers. Read More »
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Indian Healthcare Industry Prescribing A Dose Of Technology
Max Healthcare which has been at the forefront of delivering healthcare services in Delhi-NCR has moved to an Electronic Health Records (EHR) system from their existing Hospital Information System (HIS). The group implemented an open source EHR system, WorldVistA, with the goals of minimizing the need for paper records, allowing order entry by the doctors in the system itself, and enabling easy access to patient records. The system was hosted on a private cloud and was interfaced with laboratory, radiology and pharmacy to allow real-time access to any patient record.
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Joe Conn-DoD Should Make Right Decision and Adopt VistA
I think what's needed now remains as obvious as it has for decades, which means Shinseki and Panetta got it only half right, because they were half wrong. There should be one EHR for the military and the VA, but it shouldn't be the just dispatched Frankenstein's EHR that was to be built out of custom-made and off-the-shelf parts. It should be VistA. The VA has a demonstrably superior EHR system, so the Defense Department brass should swallow their bureaucratic pride and adopt it. Read More »
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Lawmakers Dispute DoD, VA’s Claims of Health Record Interoperability
Three months ago, the departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs certified to Congress that their electronic health records could finally exchange data in a meaningful way. But lawmakers aren’t satisfied with that assertion and are looking for more clarity on what “interoperability” actually means. With some fanfare, the two departments both attested that they’d met a 2014 congressional mandate to make all of their respective health data interoperable with one another’s IT systems...
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OSEHRA 2014: Modernizing the VistA GUI
As we approach the 2014 OSEHRA EHR Summit, the topics of EHR Usability and EHR web enablement have become major points of discussion. This article is a quick attempt to summarize one of the key developments in this area. Sidney Tarason from Astute Semantics has produced groundbreaking prototypes for VistA that could shape the modernization effort moving forward for not just VistA, but for all EHRs based on the polymorphic MUMPS database (about 95% of all electronic health record (EHR) systems in the United States). Read More »
OSEHRA Is On the Move
OSEHRA is on the Move. As we clear the hurdles of establishing Governance structure, clarifying Vision, implementing work Processes, and employing our IT Infrastructure and Development Tools, we simultaneously are preparing ourselves for the long run with the Open Source community. April 2012 was a busy month. We began the month by convening our first meeting of the OSEHRA Board of Directors; General (Retired) James Peake, Mr. Michael O’Neill and Dr. John Halamka. This inaugural Board meeting marks our official emergence as an independent organization with its own governing board. We will publish the meeting minutes on our web-site.
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Plan VI - OSEHRA Launching Internationalized Version of VistA
OSEHRA is pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative to create an internationalized version of the VistA Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. Originally developed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, VistA is periodically released to the public via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and enhanced by the OSEHRA community to create OSEHRA VistA, an open source resource for the entire EHR community. The internationalization effort, dubbed Plan VI, aims to expand VistA capability by making it compatible with various different languages and creating a reference implementation for global use.
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State University of New York at Albany Launches VistA EHR Studies Program
The Albany Campus of the State University of New York (SUNY) has launched a new VistA EHR Studies program—the most comprehensive one of its kind in the United States. The program, which began on March 24, provides students the basis to learn and manage VistA’s fast-growing open source electronic health record (EHR) system. The decision to launch the full program follows a successful pilot course taught at the university this past fall. Read More »
Top Rated Electronic Health Record Software Is Free
Earlier this month, Medscape published the results of their recent survey (here) which asked 18,575 physicians across 25 specialties to rate their Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. For overall satisfaction, the #1 ranked EHR solution was the VA’s Computerized Patient Record System ‒ also known as VistA. It was built using open‒source software and is therefore license free.
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Veterans Affairs Selects ASM Research To Modernize Electronic Health Records
ASM Research, an Accenture Federal Services Company, has been awarded a three-year, $162 million contract from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to support the Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) Clinical Application and Enterprise Core Services. Read More »
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VistA e-prescribing module is now open source
California hospital enables free access to any organization using the VA-built EHR system Read More »
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VistA is Going Places, and Also Staying Put
The Veterans Health Administration's hospital software, VistA, is a computing legend. Few pieces of software have become the subject of a popular book (Best Care Anywhere), won repeated awards for their usability, or been credited with a 180-degree turn-around in an organization's quality. But VistA is getting long in the tooth, and many--including now the VA itself--are questioning whether it's time for something new.The speculations aren't just about VistA. They extend to all health care software of that generation, including the industry's leading electroinc health record (EHR) system--Epic--and the venerable Intermountain Healthcare.
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