EHR interoperability
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Humetrix Demos Consumer-Controlled, Highly Secure Mobile Health Technology at Digital Health Technology Expo
Humetrix, a provider of m-health and analytics platforms, will showcase three of its award-winning mobile platforms: iBlueButton, SOS QR and TENSIO, at today’s Digital Health Technology Expo at FDA headquarters. iBlueButton allows millions of healthcare consumers and their caregivers to receive, annotate, store and share their records, while keeping the data secure and under the patient’s direct control on their own device. Because of Humetrix’s unique approach, the company’s platforms have been chosen by U.S. and European public and private healthcare organizations for care coordination, chronic care management and personal safety...
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IDGA’s Interoperable EHR Roundtable Day: Facilitating the Conversation on Successful EHR Adoption
IDGA’s Interoperable EHR Roundtable Day
Facilitating the Conversation on Successful EHR Adoption
The Institute for Defense and Government Advancement announces the Interoperable EHR Round Table Day, taking place March 17, 2014, in Washington, D.C. The Roundtable Daywill will bring together all relevant stakeholders - the medical professionals, service providers, purchasers and policy makers- to discuss the most pressing issues facing the Electronic Heath Records community.
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Inside The Struggle For Electronic Health Record Interoperability
Over the past few months, stories have popped up chronicling doctors’, clinicians’ or other health care providers’ headaches moving to and/or accessing EHRs. The chorus of complaints has led the Senate Appropriations Committee to submit language in a draft bill that calls for a report from the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) on what “the challenges and barriers” are to EHR interoperability.” Read More »
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Integrating EHRs to Clinical Research EDC Systems
It has been a longstanding challenge to integrate patient data from EMRs (Electronic Medical Record systems) with EDC (Electronic Data Capture) systems for clinical studies and trials...These hurdles have been so high that the task has rarely been attempted in earnest, let alone accomplished in any significant way. That is until recently. How are these challenges being overcome today? What changes have allowed this integration to be to considered and implement today? The answer is: lots!
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Is Cloud Faxing the Solution to the Health IT Usability and Interoperability Crisis?
The Healthcare industry is in profound crisis as the HITECH Act of 2009 led medical facilities across the United States to spend in excess of $3 trillion on the purchase and implementation of expensive electronic health records (EHRs) under the Meaningful Use program. Yet, the most fundamental goals of electronic records Nirvana that were promised have not been achieved. For multiple reasons, EHRs have turned out to lack usability and be non-interoperable. In fact, most monopoly EHR vendors are engaged in what is commonly called “data blocking.” In most cases physicians are unable to obtain medical records for the patients they are seeing and patients have a hard time getting a hold of their own medical records. That means that the medical records are not available at the most important moment, the caregiver/patient encounter, and are not available to the patients themselves and their family members.
- The Future Is Open
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Is Open Source Tolven the "Dark Horse" of Health IT Platforms?
Is there perhaps a “dark horse” in the EHR field, just poised to challenge the overhyped, slow, clumsy, and expensive leaders of the EHR heat? All the troubles with lack of interoperability and usability of proprietary EHRs have suddenly put the spotlight on what may be the EHR dark horse, the open source Tolven Platform.
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Is The 1.5+ Trillion Dollar HITECH Act a Failure?
Hopefully, the public statements made by President Obama and Vice President Biden will lead to a public debate over the monumental problems that the HITECH Act and proprietary EHR vendors have caused the American people. While the press continues to report the figure of $35 billion as the cost of implementing EHRs, that figure does not tell the entire story. Perhaps the next step is to provide accountability and transparency. That would start with firm numbers regarding the real costs of EHR implementations forced on an unprepared healthcare system by the HITECH Act.
- The Future Is Open
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Is the Technology Gap the Reason Why Medical Errors are the 3rd Leading Cause of Death in the US?
Hardly a day goes by without some new revelation of an information technology (IT) mess in the United States that seems like an endless round of the old radio show joke contest, “Can You Top This” except that increasingly the joke is on us. From nuclear weapons updated with floppy disks, to critical financial systems in the Department of the Treasury that run on assembler language code (a computer language initially used in the 1950s and typically tied to the hardware for which it was developed), to medical systems that cannot exchange patient records leading to a large number of needless deaths from medical errors.
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Java from MUMPS (JUMPS) used in data migration project for Clinical Trials Project
CAV Systems Ltd, a leading Israeli software company has been selected by The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center to map and migrate the Clinical Trials Databases managed by the Office of Protocol Research (OPR) from the current MUMPS system to Oracle as one of the critical stages in MD Anderson’s multiyear eResearch project to modernize management of Clinical Trials. With more than 4,000 clinical studies being administered annually, the current in-house developed system – the Protocol Data Management System (PDMS) – is being phased out and replaced by commercial software products.
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Leidos Team Touts Interoperability In Military EHR Bid
Time is running out for vendors to submit bids on the planned $11 billion, 10-year contract to deliver an electronic health records system to the Defense Department. The DOD Healthcare Management System Modernization (DHMSM -- pronounced "dim sum") is an ambitious plan to transform the delivery of care to the 9.6 million active-duty service members, their dependents, retirees and others...
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mCode Initiative Open Sources Common Cancer Data Platform and Standards to Improve EHR Data Interoperability
In an effort to advance cancer data sharing and improve the quality and coordination of patient care, three of the nation's leading health and technology organizations have established a core set of data elements and recommended technical specifications (the Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements, or "mCODE") that are essential for capturing and reporting the characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of every cancer patient and should be contained in each patient's electronic health record (EHR).
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Medical Record Advocate Dr. Donald M. Voltz Leads National Grassroots Petition Drive To Reduce 1,000 Daily Medical Error Deaths
A national grass roots campaign launches today to reduce the medical miscommunications in healthcare systems that cause almost 1,000 deaths a day in the U.S. This campaign seeks to forge a government and industry solution in solving this lapse in electronic healthcare communications, a cornerstone of Obamacare. The campaign is headed by Dr. Donald Voltz...Voltz petition on demands that the government and medical industry implement a solution to end what is a very easy problem to fix. Once signed by 25,000 U.S. residents age 18 and older, the petition will be sent to the White House for review and a specific, timely action plan.
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Medicity's CEO's Thoughts on Interoperability
Last week I had the esteemed privilege of attending the EHR Interoperability Meeting at the White House with Seema Verma, CMS Administrator, and Don Rucker MD, National Coordinator at ONC. The attendees represented payer organizations, and the discussion was focused on the barriers to interoperability and how we can band together to overcome them. Below are my responses to the major questions asked of each payer. As you read through this information, I hope it further clarifies our position on these topics.
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Medsphere and Silver Hill Hospital Partner to Enhance Discharge Summary, Interoperability, in OpenVista EHR
-MedsphereSystems Corporation and Silver Hill Hospital this week introduced an improved Discharge Summary module as the most recent innovation of Medsphere’s OpenVista® electronic health record (EHR) built specifically for behavioral health hospitals. Designed in close collaboration with clinicians at Silver Hill, OpenVista Discharge Summary (DSum) both automates the summary creation process and gives Silver Hill clinicians greater control over how the final discharge summary looks and what patient information it includes.
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Moving healthcare into a new state of openness
The future of healthcare belongs to social, mobile, analytics and the cloud. Although most industries have embraced these technologies, the healthcare IT industry has been slow to adopt them. The country has taken good first steps to digitize the paper-based medical industry, but now it is time to build on what we've done, enhancing usability, better engaging patients/families, and preparing for the future of reimbursement, which is based on value, not more healthcare.
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