health IT standards
See the following -
CIMI Group Goes with OpenEHR Archetypes & UML Profile
The Clinical Information Modelling Initiative (CIMI) group led by Dr Stan Huff (Intermountain Health, Utah) met here in London 29 Nov – 1 Dec to make a final decision on formalism, from the two remaining – openEHR archetypes and various forms of UML (previous posts on CIMI: DCMs & RM, on formalisms). Instead of simply choosing one, the group made a more strategic choice of designating openEHR ADL/AOM 1.5 as the core formalism, with a corresponding profile of UML being developed to enable the more numerous UML-based developers (e.g. VA, NHS etc) to use archetypes within their UML toolchains....
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DHIS2 - Transforming Health IT Standards in the Developing World (Part 2)
Rwanda's 2012 implementation of DHIS2 is one of at least 16 completed national rollouts of this free and open source health data management. A total of 54 countries are deploying DHIS2 on a national scale, 30 of which are in the pilot stage or early phase in their rollouts. Since DHIS2's release in 2006, NGOs and national governments in 60 countries have deployed DHIS2 for health-related projects, including patient health monitoring, improving disease surveillance and pinpointing outbreaks, and speeding up health data access.
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German eHealth Working Group Reasserts Focus on Interoperability
Interoperability of eHealth solutions is getting renewed attention from Germany’s health care organizations. Trouble exchanging information between medical systems is hindering eHealth reaching its full potential, says the Federal Ministry of Health. The ministry made interoperability a key topic at the eHealth working group meeting, part of an IT Summit in Hamburg in October. Read More »
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Notes on the August Meeting of the HIT Standards Committee
The August HIT Standards Committee meeting focused on the work ahead to accelerate interoperability. It’s no longer about Meaningful Use, it’s about Meaningful healthcare information exchange. I offered my opinion about the work ahead. ONC is in the middle of regulation writing for Meaningful Use Stage 3, so the standards work of the next 10 weeks is not going to be incorporated into the NPRM. Read More »
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ONC's 2nd Interoperability Forum
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) is hosting the 2nd Interoperability Forum on August 6th- 8th, 2018 in Washington, DC. This event will bring people together from ONC, our federal partners, the healthcare industry, and the technology sector to: Learn about recent efforts to advance interoperability nationwide; Identify concrete actions in response to current interoperability barriers
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2018 ONC Annual Meeting
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) will hold the 2018 Annual Meeting November 29-30, 2018 at the Washington Hilton in Washington, DC. The 2-day meeting will gather approximately 1,200 health IT partners and will include a combination of plenaries and breakout sessions each day. The plenary sessions will include keynote addresses and panel discussions.
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