human resources (HR)
See the following -
How I failed
When you start out as an entrepreneur, it’s just you and your idea, or you and your co-founder’s and your idea. Then you add customers, and they shape and mold you and that idea until you achieve the fabled “product-market fit.” [...] But if you are to succeed in building an enduring company, it has to be about far more than that: it has to be about the team and the institution you create together. Read More »
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“I’m Proud To Be A Health Worker”: Improving HR Management At Faith-Based Organizations In Kenya
Mary Kinyariro works at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya. For a long time, she thought managers paid little attention to making sure employees were qualified and supported. “Patient attendants even gave medicines in those days, as well as feed the patient or make beds. I never saw meetings of managers and staff.” Her colleague John Kuria lacked clarity about his job. “Things were not clear. I was never appraised on my performance.”
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