Joe McArthur
See the following -
Generation Open: Sneak Peek Into Science’s Future At OpenCon 2014
Hilda Bastian | Scientific American | November 16, 2014
...Michael Carroll is a Professor of Law and one of the founders of the Creative Commons. He was welcoming over a hundred enthusiastic students, student organizers, and early career researchers yesterday to their first international gathering on open access, OpenCon 2014...
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New Open Access Button Apps Find Free Access to Scientific and Scholarly Research
Press Release |
Open Access Button |
October 22, 2014
The Open Access Button today launched a suite of new apps to help researchers, patients, students and the public get access to scientific and scholarly research. People use research everyday to create scientific and medical advances, understand culture, and fuel the economy, but articles can cost $30 or more to read each, even though much of the research is funded by the public in the first place...
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