open source technology
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Will PHIEs Lead the Consumer Medical Record Revolution and Bridge the Gap Between Personal Health Records and EHRs?
It has only been about two generations since traveling medicine shows were common forums for medical information. Phony research and medical claims were used to back up the sale of all kinds of dubious medicines. Potential patients had no real method to determine what was true or false, let alone know what their real medical issues were. Healthcare has come a long way since those times, but similar to the lack of knowing the compositions of past medical concoctions and what ailed them, today’s digital age patients still don’t know what is in their medical records. They need transparency, not secret hospital –vendor contracts and data blocking, like the practices being questioned by the New York Times. One patient, Regina Holliday resorts to using art to bring awareness to the lack of patient’s access to their own medical records.
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North Bridge Invites Open Source Community to Discuss Key Findings from 2014 Future of Open Source Study
Three Upcoming Events Allow Open Source Thought Leaders To Debate Latest Trends And Opportunities Revealed By Eighth Annual Survey
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2014 LinuxCon And CloudOpen North America
LinuxCon, CloudOpen and co-located events showcase growth of Linux and open source principles across technology
LinuxCon and Cloud Open are the largest technical conferences focused on Linux and neutral open cloud technologies in North America and provide developers and operations and devops professionals with leading edge technical education and networking opportunities. Keynote and session speakers include leaders from the Linux kernel community and Cisco, Docker, edX, HP, Local Motors, MySQL, OpenStack, Puppet Labs, Spotify and many more.
Featuring more than 140 sessions and keynotes, LinuxCon and CloudOpen are co-located with a Community Development Workshop presented by community expert Jono Bacon, the Linux Kernel Summit, Linux Security Summit, #MesosCon, OpenDaylight Project Mini-Summit, a UEFI Mini-Summit, and Xen Project User Summit. CloudOpen is the only technical conference that focuses on the open cloud and those projects that comprise it all in one place, including CloudStack, Ceph, Gluster, KVM, OpenStack, Puppet, SaltStack, Xen Project and more...
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Open Source Developers' Conference 2015
The Open Source Developers' Conference is a not-for-profit conference covering all aspects of Open Source Technology, from software and systems to open data. For the past 11 years OSDC has been held across Australia and New Zealand, and in 2015 will be hosted for the first time in Tasmania, from October 27-29 at the Wrest Point Convention Centre in Hobart. The focus for OSDC 2015 is Opening Up For A Better World. Open source software, hardware and standards facilitate higher quality technology, better security and faster innovation; open data allows us to better discover and understand the world we live in; open government aims to ensure that citizens can participate in their democracy; open access publishing exists to spread knowledge and allow that knowledge to be built upon. Open by design is the best default.
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EHI Live 2015
EHI live, now in its 8th year, is the UK's leading exhibition for digital health, hospital information and healthcare innovation. The event attracts visitors and delegates from around the UK and beyond who are keen to learn from industry leaders and examine new technologies. The EHI Live exhibition gives visitors the chance to see the best that NHS IT suppliers have to offer. EHI Live will take place in Birmingham, UK, Nov 3-4, in Hall 1 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. The event will host more than 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest advances in IT healthcare solutions. It will also feature free-to-attend conferences that will address the major healthcare IT industry issues such...[including] the annual HANDI Health Apps conference which features its own specialist app zone, a feature dedicated to the use of open source technology.
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