performance/outcomes-driven health care system physician satisfaction scores and patient ratings
See the following -
Losing the Doctor Lottery
Donna Jackson Nakazawa's insightful Health Affairs article "How to Win the Doctor Lottery" is, in turn, sad, frightening, wise, and hopeful. She recounts some of her personal travails in finding the right doctors, the ones who will truly listen and become "a partner on my path to healing," and offers several suggestions about what has to happen for us to have more chance to "win." The real question, though, is not how to win the doctor lottery we find ourselves in, but why we're playing it at all. Getting the right doctor is hard. Consider the following: It's easy enough to find out where a physician went to medical school and did their residency. It's not as easy to know what the best medical schools or best teaching hospitals are, other than by reputations (that may or may not be deserved)...
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