A “Malaria Box” that could hold the answer to discovering new drugs to treat tropical diseases and cancer has been created for researchers around the world. Griffith University tropical disease researchers have joined together with a host of international laboratories to advance drug discovery for major topical diseases through the creation and testing of the Malaria Box. In a paper published this week in the top journal PLoS Pathogens, the global team present findings on a panel of 400 chemical compounds – dubbed the “Malaria Box” – with potential application as therapeutic starting points for diseases like malaria, trypanosomiasis and toxoplasmosis.
PLOS Pathogens
See the following -
Griffith Scientists Unlock the “Malaria Box”
Press Release |
Griffith University |
August 1, 2016
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Open Source Drug Discovery Test A Success
Press Release |
University Of Washington Health Sciences/UW Medicine |
July 28, 2016
In what is being called the first-ever test of open-source drug-discovery, researchers from around the world have successfully identified compounds to pursue in treating and preventing parasite-borne illnesses such as malaria as well as cancer...One-third of the labs reported their results in a paper published today in PLOS Pathogens, "Open source drug discovery with the Malaria Box compound collection for neglected diseases and beyond." The results have ignited more a dozen drug-development projects for a variety of diseases. "The trial was successful not only in identifying compounds to pursue for anti-malarials, but it also identified compounds to treat other parasites and cancer," said lead author Wesley Van Voorhis.
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