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Top Cardiologist Blasts Nutrition Guidelines

Larry Huston | MedPage Today | February 27, 2017

One of the world's top cardiologists says that many of the major nutrition guidelines have no good basis in science. "I'm not a nutrition scientist and that may be an advantage because every week in the newspaper we read something is good for you and the same thing the next week is bad for you," said Salim Yusuf, MD, DPhil, (McMaster University), at Cardiology Update 2017, a symposium presented by the European Society of Cardiology and the Zurich Heart House...

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TU Delft Institutional Repository Implements New Pure System to Support Open Access and Open Science

Press Release | TU Delft | May 3, 2016

The Open Access policy has taken effect from 1 May 2016. From now on, all research output has to be published in the TU Delft Institutional Repository. This because it’s our mission to make scientific knowledge accessible online and free of charge to all users. We have known about the coming of the Open Access policy for a while now. Researchers have been informed, among others during TU Delft Library’s Open Science Roadshow which has visited all Faculties...

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Why openly available abstracts are important - overview of the current state of affairs

The value of open and interoperable metadata of scientific articles is increasingly being recognized, as demonstrated by the work of organizations such as Crossref, DataCite, and OpenCitations and by initiatives such as Metadata 2020 and the Initiative for Open Citations. At the same time, scientific articles are increasingly being made openly accessible, stimulated for instance by Plan S, AmeliCA, and recent developments in the US, and also by the need for open access to coronavirus literature. In this post, we focus on a key issue at the interface of these two developments: The open availability of abstracts of scientific articles. Abstracts provide a summary of an article and are part of an article's metadata. We first discuss the many ways in which abstracts can be used and we then explore the availability of abstracts. The open availability of abstracts is surprisingly limited. This creates important obstacles to scientific literature search, bibliometric analysis, and automatic knowledge extraction.

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