See the following -
Can Slow-Moving Universities Adapt Quickly Enough To Teach In The Digital Age?
The start of classes this fall will also bring renewed debate about what journalism and mass communications colleges should teach in an age of disruption. Professors are trying to figure out how we should be preparing students for jobs that don’t exist yet. Or for jobs that will exist in two years, but won’t in four. Read More »
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The Four Big Reasons Why 4 Billion People Aren't Online
It's around 46 years since consumers first started to use online services, and 23 years since the NCSA Mosaic browser started to popularise the World-Wide Web. But more than half the world's population - around 4.1 billion people - are still not using the Internet, according to Facebook's 56-page State of Connectivity 2015 report. The authors note that "Over the past 10 years, connectivity increased by approximately 200 to 300 million people per year."...
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