See the following -
About Half of Doctors Say They’re Burned Out by Workload
About 1 in 2 doctors are burned out, showing signs of emotional exhaustion and little interest in work as patient loads increase, U.S. researchers found. Read More »
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Interoperability Headaches in Fitness and Medical Devices
The promise of device data pervades the health care field. It’s
intrinsic to patient-centered medical homes, it beckons clinicians who are enamored with hopes for patient engagement, and it causes data analysts in health care to salivate. This promise also drives the data aggregation services offered by Validic and just recently, the Shimmer integration tool from Open mHealth. But according to David Haddad, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Open mHealth, devices resist attempts to yield up their data to programmers and automated tools.
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Mentorship For Publishing African Health Research
In the second post of a short series reflecting on last month’s Getting in the Access Loop webinar organised by the Humanitarian Centre, HIFA2015 and PLoS, Janice S. Pedersen from RAND Europe discusses how mentoring capacity for publication might be improved. Read More »
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Open mHealth Popular Standard (Part 2)
Normally, one wants to break information down into chunks as small as possible. Bydoing this, you allow data holders to minimize the amount of data they need to send data users, and data users are free to scrutinize individual items or combine them any way they want. But some values in health need to be chunked together. When someone requests blood pressure, both the systolic and diastolic measures should be sent. The time zone should go with the time. On the other hand, mHealth doesn’t need combinations of information that are common in medical settings. For instance, a dose may be interesting to know, but you don’t need the prescribing doctor, when the prescription was written, etc. On the other hand, some app developers have asked the prescription to include the number of refills remaining, so the app can issue reminders.
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Transparency Life Sciences Launches Indication Finder™ Crowdsourcing Tool For Drug Repurposing
Transparency Life Sciences (TLS), the world's first drug development company based on open innovation, today announced the launch of Indication Finder™, a survey-based crowdsourcing tool designed to identify promising new indications for existing drug candidates. Read More »
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