“Everyone is doing sequencing, but most people aren’t able to analyze their sequences as well or as quickly as they might want to,” Bedford said. “We’re trying to fill in this gap so that the World Health Organization or the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — or whoever — can have better analysis tools to do what they do. We’re hoping that will get our software in the hands of a lot of people”...
Robert Kiley
See the following -
Charity Alliance Launches Fund To Make Charitably Funded Research Open Access
An alliance of leading UK medical research charities is today launching a new fund to help make charitably funded research freely available as soon as it is published. Arthritis Research UK, Breast Cancer Campaign, the British Heart Foundation (BHF), Cancer Research UK, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research, and the Wellcome Trust have joined together to create the Charity Open Access Fund (COAF)...
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European Commission Considering Leap into Open-Access Publishing
One of Europe’s biggest science spenders could soon branch out into publishing. The European Commission, which spends more than €10 billion annually on research, may follow two other big league funders, the Wellcome Trust and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and set up a “publishing platform” for the scientists it funds, in an attempt to accelerate the transition to open-access publishing in Europe...
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Funders Punish Open-Access Dodgers
For years, two of the world’s largest research funders — the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Wellcome Trust in the United Kingdom — have issued a steady stream of incentives to coax academics to abide by their open-access policies. Now they are done with just dangling carrots. Both institutions are bringing out the sticks: cautiously and discreetly cracking down on researchers who do not make their papers publicly available.
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More on Open Access Publishing
Over the past 20 years, open-access publishing has become a major part of the scholarly landscape. It is now common in astronomy, maths and physics, where most researchers submit their work to the open-access repository arXiv.org before it is published, and is on the rise in the life sciences and other fields....Worldwide, more than 200 institutions and 80 research funders require their researchers' work to be open access, according to the Roarmap registry (roarmap.eprints.org). Read More »
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Open Access Award Recipients Announced
To mark the beginning of Open Access Week, the Accelerating Science Award Programme announced the three recipients of its inaugural award yesterday in Washington, DC. Read More »
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Open Science Prize Announces Epidemic Tracking Tool as Grand Prize Winner
A prototype online platform that uses real-time visualization and viral genome data to track the spread of global pathogens such as Zika and Ebola is the grand prize winner of the Open Science Prize. The international team competition is an initiative by the National Institutes of Health, in collaboration with the Wellcome Trust and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). The winning team, Real-time Evolutionary Tracking for Pathogen Surveillance and Epidemiological Investigation, created its nextstrain.org prototype to pool data from researchers across the globe, perform rapid phylogenetic analysis, and post the results on the platform’s website...
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Open Science Prize Goes to Software Tool for Tracking Viral Outbreaks
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UK Funder Explains Clamp-Down On Open Access Violators
Since 2006, the giant medical-research charity Wellcome Trust has asked the researchers it funds to make their articles free to read online. Last year, it turned up pressure on scientists to comply, or see their funding withheld.
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Wellcome Trust Supports Open Access Award Programme
The Wellcome Trust has joined with the Public Library of Science and Google to launch the Accelerating Science Award Program (ASAP) to recognise the use of scientific research, published through open access, that has led to innovations in any field that benefit society. Read More »
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