See the following -

App Internet and Mobile Devices to Drive Massive Technology Demands in 2012

Leo King | PC World | December 18, 2011

The rise of the "app internet" -- in which users' PCs, smartphones and tablets run the business applications - will drive completely different demands from technology next year. That is the verdict of technology industry experts, who predicted fast-shifting pressures on technology from the rise in mobile application development, cloud computing and new security threats.

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Cambodia Fights Malaria with Text Messages

Margaret Rock | Mobiledia | September 8, 2011

Cambodia is trying to contain the spread of malaria by using text messaging to report the disease in real time. Mobile devices are installed with "FrontlineSMS," an open-source software, allowing volunteers to send and receive malaria reports via text. The data is sent to the Malaria Information and Alert System in Phnom Penh and fed into a national database using Google Earth. Read More »