See the following -
After Stuxnet: The New Rules Of Cyberwar
Critical infrastructure providers face off against a rising tide of increasingly sophisticated and potentially destructive attacks emanating from hacktivists, spies and militarized malware. Read More »
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How The NSA Undermines Cybersecurity
...Officials have warned for years that a sophisticated cyberattack could cripple critical infrastructure or allow thieves to make off with the financial information of millions of Americans. President Obama pushed Congress to enact cybersecurity legislation, and when it didn’t, he issued his own executive order in 2013...
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Should U.S. Hackers Fix Cybersecurity Holes Or Exploit Them?
Maybe someday we'll patch vulnerabilities faster than the enemy can use them in an attack, but we're not there yet. There’s a debate going on about whether the U.S. government—specifically, the NSA and United States Cyber Command—should stockpile Internet vulnerabilities or disclose and fix them...
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The Stuxnet Leaker Might Be the General Credited with Getting It Started
The Obama administration's investigation into the leak of classified information on Stuxnet, a U.S. cyberattack targeting Iran's nuclear programs, has zeroed in on retired Marine General James Cartwright. As in, the general credited with presenting the idea of Stuxnet to the White House in the first place.
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