See the following -

Eye Writer Glasses Allow Paralyzed Graffiti Artist To Draw Again

Tom Spendlove | Engineering.com | September 13, 2013

Graffiti artist TEMPT is the subject of Mick Ebeling's TED Talk, The invention that unlocked a locked-in artist. TEMPT is completely paralyzed, able to only use his eyes. Read More »

Mick Ebeling: The Invention That Unlocked A Locked-In Artist

Staffwriter | TED | April 1, 2011

The nerve disease ALS left graffiti artist TEMPT paralyzed from head to toe, forced to communicate blink by blink. In a remarkable talk at TEDActive, entrepreneur Mick Ebeling shares how he and a team of collaborators built an open-source invention that gave the artist -- and gives others in his circumstance -- the means to make art again. Read More »