United Kingdom (UK)
See the following -
Ebola Outbreak: 'We'll Do Whatever It Takes To Protect UK' says Philip Hammond
The [United Kingdom's] Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond says he will work with infectious disease experts to do 'whatever it takes' to protect the UK from the largest ever outbreak of the Ebola virus, which is currently sweeping West Africa...
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Ebola Outbreak: Deadly Foreign Diseases Are 'Potential Major Threat' Says [UKs] Chief Scientist
Sir Mark Walport, the [United Kingdom] government’s Chief Scientific Advisor, said that the increasingly ‘interconnected’ world was placing Britons at risk from imported foreign diseases...
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Ebola Outbreak: UK Border Not Prepared For Virus Warns Immigration Service Union
General Secretary of the Immigration Service Union (ISU) Lucy Moreton says the border is not prepared to deal with the Ebola outbreak and staff do not know what to do if they suspect someone of being sick...
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Education Management with Moodle: The Beginning, Middle, and Today
Moodle is the de facto standard in open source learning management systems. It is described as "a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalised learning environments." Plus, Moodle is free software, licensed under the GPL. Martin Dougiamas, Moodle's founder and lead developer, generously took time from his busy schedule to have a good, long talk with me about why he created it, where it is today, and what's next in open education. First let me give you a little background. I was introduced to Moodle in 2005 while visiting a public school district in Portland, Oregon, which was using Moodle as part of their instructional delivery...
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EHI Live UK Conference Hosts State–of-the-Art Open Source Health IT Solutions
EHI live, now in its 8th year, is the UK's leading exhibition for digital health, hospital information and healthcare innovation. The event attracts visitors and delegates from around the UK and beyond who are keen to learn from industry leaders and examine new technologies. The EHI Live exhibition gives visitors the chance to see the best that NHS IT suppliers have to offer. EHI Live will take place in Birmingham, UK, Nov 3-4, in Hall 1 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham. The event will host more than 250 exhibitors showcasing the latest advances in IT healthcare solutions. It will also feature free-to-attend conferences that will address the major healthcare IT industry issues such...[including] the annual HANDI Health Apps conference which features its own specialist app zone, a feature dedicated to the use of open source technology.
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Encouraging UK Foundations To Publish What They Fund
Last week, on 20th June 2013, The Indigo Trust hosted a working lunch which brought together data experts and civil society representatives to explore the how we could encourage UK Foundations to publish their data in an open format in order to make grant giving more effective. Read More »
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England's NHS looks to U.S. for guidance on 'Open Source' EHR Software
The National Health Service of England is looking to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for inspiration—and maybe a whole lot more Read More »
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Estonia Is Using the Technology Behind Bitcoin to Secure 1 Million Health Records
Guardtime, a startup that uses technology similar to that underpinning bitcoin to secure public and private data, has signed a deal with the Estonian government to secure all the country's 1 million health records with its technology. The deal with the Estonian e-Health Authority comes alongside a partnership with Estonian Information Systems Authority, which will see more government data move to Guardtime's technology...
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European Antibiotic Awareness Day Highlights Need For Urgent Action
Cubist Joining the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance in the United Kingdom...
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Europeans Joining Forces to Promote Open Source Software in Healthcare
Belgian, British and German advocates of open source in healthcare want to join efforts, hoping to raise interest, and to strengthen the network of healthcare software specialists. A conference is tentatively being planned in London (UK) early next year. “Hospitals and other healthcare organizations, medical specialists and general practitioners are reluctant to adopt open source software”, says Etienne Saliez, a Belgian retired medical IT systems specialist. “What is needed is a strong network of professional support services providers of open source solutions” he adds.
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Feds Move Into Digital Medicine, Face Doctor Backlash
"Physicians passionately despise their electronic health records," says Lexington, Ky., emergency physician Steven Stack, the American Medical Association's president-elect. "We use technology quickly when it works … Electronic health records don't work right now."
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First cut of VistA for NHS developed
Two US companies have worked with UK open source experts to create a ‘first cut’ of an anglicised version of the VistA electronic patient record system. Read More »
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First Research Programme Identifies Potential Antibiotic Resistance Breakers
Antibiotic Research UK's first research programme finds a number of drugs that can break antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. Antibiotic resistant infections are predicted to lead to 10 million deaths per year globally by 2050 at a cost of up to $100 trillion to the world economy. In the UK at least 5,000 people per year die from resistant infections. New research by Antibiotic Research UK (ANTRUK), the world's first charity created to develop new antibiotics in the fight against superbugs, has found Antibiotic Resistance Breakers (ARBs) in its first major lab research programme...
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FirstNet for Emergency Communications: 6 Questions Answered
The system nicknamed FirstNet was created by Congress in the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012. Under the contract with the government, the group led by AT&T will build, operate and maintain a new nationwide communications network, providing high-speed wireless communications for public safety agencies and personnel. The network will be protected against unauthorized intrusion and strong enough to withstand disasters that might damage other communications systems. Emergency workers will be able to preempt other users’ traffic on the network, and will be able to send and receive as much data as they need to during their emergency work...
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Forget Obamacare: Vermont Wants To Bring Single Payer To America
"If Vermont gets single-payer health care right, which I believe we will, other states will follow," Vermont Gov. Shumlin predicted in a recent interview. "If we screw it up, it will set back this effort for a long time.
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