ABILITY is Elevating the Healthcare Conversation

Press Release | ABILITY Network | February 21, 2011

VisionShare, the nation’s largest and most trusted secure web-based health network, announced today that it has renamed itself ABILITY Network™ and introduced additional services designed to enable healthcare professionals to improve patient safety, provide better patient care, and navigate the changes associated with healthcare and payment reform.

“For years we have been meeting providers where they are, working to earn their trust every day, to enable their most critical healthcare communications with each other and with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services,” said Mark Briggs, CEO of ABILITY. “By leveraging the scale of our national network to securely connect a majority of the large providers across the country over the Internet we continue to develop innovative services that give our providers the ABILITY to directly transform patient care and produce better outcomes. That’s what ABILITY is all about.”

For the past 10 years the company has connected thousands of providers – hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, medical clinics and physicians – and payers across the country with each other, and with the nation’s largest payer, Medicare. As ABILITY, the company will continue to leverage that existing network to provide services that will increase the quality of patient care, improve patient safety, and reduce the cost of providing care by decreasing length of patient stays and helping prevent unnecessary, redundant tests and treatments not addressed by current technologies.

“Given the size of our network, we see so many fragmented clinical records – visits where caregivers were only provided a piece, or fragment, of a patient’s complete record. The network services we deliver to reduce this fragmentation bring more complete information to caregivers and directly improve patient safety and quality of care,” said Briggs. “This is one of the most addressable, affordable, and immediate patient safety issues that our providers can improve by leveraging our network. At the same time, more complete information enables caregivers to construct efficient care plans, reduce duplicative and unnecessary costs, and remain competitive with payment reform.”

ABILITY’s new website, www.abilitynetwork.com, provides a wealth of information on ABILITY’s expanded services, including its collaboration with the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology’s Direct Project, an open-source, government-enabled effort to allow health data to be sent electronically over a safe and secure connection. ABILITY was recently recognized by the ONC for completing the first-ever successful Internet-based exchange of health information when immunization data was exchanged between a hospital and the state public health department using ABILITY’s network. In addition, ABILITY recently announced that it will invest up to $50 million over the next year to enable direct, secure connectivity for all providers in the U.S. on its network.

Visit with ABILITY executives at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Annual Conference and Exhibition, Feb. 21-24, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. To see ABILITYTM’s network in action, visit ABILITY at the Direct Project booth at the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase.